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Tiffie's POV

I was up in the air. I was screaming for help but I could tell no one hurd me. I was in so much pain. All of a sudden I could see my mum.

"Baby girl we have a secret you need to know." She whispered

"What mummy, what do I need to know?"  I asked

"Your not an only child look for the birth mark. They are close." She whispered. "its time for me to go...

" and that was the end of are conversation.

I was still in the air when I hurd the song that upsets me.

Sarah's POV

Tiffie starred to float downwards.

I was sooo worried.

I ran and gave her a hug. I swung my hands behind her back and looked at my shoulder. I saw a rainbow coloured mark.

After the hug I tried to wash of the mark but it never budged.

Tiffie's POV

While sarah hugged me I looked at my shoulder and saw a rainbow coloured mark. After the hug I looked closely at it. The mark was a cupcake with bunny ears and a cat tail. The cupcakes frosting looked like an elfs hat. So thats the birth mark im lokking for.

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