-Breaking point-

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Jeremy's POV: Who we thought we get in trouble by the police. It's just me and Michael chilling in the back of the police car waiting until we get to the station. When we pull up Michael just sat there quiet and layed his head on the window. I try to tap his shoulder but he ignores me. "Hey it was fun for a little while right?" He smiles a bit right back at me. "Yeah sure. Getting in trouble by the police knowing that my parents won't be happy about this." I scoot over next to him laying my head onto his shoulder. "I'll take the blame for this don't worry. Let's agree we never do this again." When we got to the station they put us into this cell with one bed. Also no one could come see us except when are parents get here but apparently they're busy.
"So we're gonna be here for a while I guess." I look over and see no cops. It was basically just us in a cell. "Jeremy I'm gonna be in big trouble and even worse my parents might not let us hangout even more." I hold Michael tight in my arms.
"I won't let that happen to you. Just focus on me." I get on his lap kissing him softly. "Besides no one will see us I promise." He nods as he started unbuttoning my shirt. "Are we really gonna do this in a cell? Kinky much?" "Relax Michael it's not kinky unless you make it kinky." He laughs a bit as he pushed back my hair. "I wanna do this but do it quietly" says him whispering in my ear. I nod as I took off Michaels hoodie throwing it on the ground. He kisses me more as he unbuttoned my jeans slowly taking them off. Soon as I knew I was turned on. I felt my face get all red. Michael pushes me down on the bed removing his jeans and sliding his boxers off. I looked at my boxers and they were already wet. "Wow Jeremy already wet because of me huh? Should of knew you get easily turned on." He laughs as he removed my boxers. I slightly laughed as he got on me. He held both of my hands down as he started thrusting into me. We both made out as he started going harder. I tried to give him a sign but he looks like he's not out of breath yet. "M-Micheal Aah~ You're going too fast." He kissed my neck again as he giggled a bit. "Does that mean you're enjoying it?" I try to sit up but he pins me back down. "Michael you don't look okay. Is something wrong?" He starts laughing uncontrollably. Tears started to fall from his eyes. "I'm scared Jeremy. I really am.." I take a deep breath in. "Michael why are you scared? You're worrying me." He sits up putting his clothes back on. "I'm scared I might lose you. I'm scared you might leave me for someone else!" I sit up putting my boxers on as I held Michael in my arms. "Michael you are never gonna lose me I promise." He pushes me back down. "No Jeremy.. You don't get it. Something is wrong with me and I don't understand why!" Meanwhile the cops approach to our cell. "Um is everything alright in there? Both of your parents will be here soon so rap it up in there." He walked back and exited the room. "Look nothing is wrong with you." Tears still shed from his eyes as he grabbed on my shirt. "Can't you see. I can't control myself. Whenever were together I get all obsessed and insecure meaning I don't want anyone to hurt you.." I brushed his hair back. "No one else will try to hurt me I promise you will be okay. You got to keep it together buddy." He nods as a cop approaches our cell. "Your parents are here." He unlocks the cell as he exited. I put my clothes back on as I held Michaels hand tight walking out of the room. He puts his head down while his parents started running to him. "Michael we were so worried! Why the fuck did you skip school! There is gonna be consequences when we get home." His mom grabs his wrist pulling him towards her. "I'm so sorry Mrs. Mell it was all my fault please don't blame it on---" Meanwhile she slapped me. "Don't ever go near my son you fucking hear me! You're such a bad influence on him." I put my head down. Michael steps in and says, "Mom it's all my fault. I'm the one who wanted to do this. It was my idea!" She smirks at him. "I know my son wouldn't do something stupid like getting arrested. We're going home. Say goodbye were leaving now." As Michael walked out my mom and dad were just sitting there quiet. My mom gets up walking towards me grabbing my arm and pulling me towards dad. "I'm so disappointed in you. I expected better from you!" My dad sits in silence not saying a word. As we left the station they didn't even say one word when we got back to the house. When I got to my room I started raging. "AAAH THIS IS ALL FUCKING BULLSHIT. THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" I scream into my pillow crying. Soon I felt empty. Was it true? Am I not ever gonna see Michael again.. I reach for my phone trying to call him--
--I'm sorry but the person you're calling is not available at the moment please try again later goodbye--
"Fuck I can't reach him!" I can't believe this.. I need to find him. I run straight to my door pulling on it but it's locked. So this is what my parents are doing to punish me. I look out the window and it doesn't seem a far drop. I climbed out the window and jumped. "F-Fuck that kinda hurt." I got up quick and went to Michaels house. When I got there the door was locked of course. "Fuck who knows what trouble he's in right now.." Meanwhile I eavesdrop on the other side...
"Michael you're such a fucking disappointment! This is why you should of been adopted. We expected more from you!" shouted his dad. I hear Michael crying. I wanna go to him so fucking bad! "I'm sorry dad it won't ever happen again I promise!" He laughs, "Fucking bullshit you should of been dead of all I cared. You piece of shit. You could of became me but no instead you had to turn fucking gay." Michael gets mad as he started to make a fist. "I don't care of what you say but I'm proud of it. Why can't you be proud of me! I get it I fucked up but still mom didn't have to slap my best friend like that!" He laughs again.. "He fuckin deserved it." He starts to drink more as he felt dizzy. "GO TO HELL!" screams Michael. He tries to walk back until he grabbed on his wrist. "What'd you say to me. No one disrespects me!" He pushes him back hard as he went back towards the wall hitting his head collapsing down on the floor. "MICHAEL!!" I start pounding on the door until someone opened the door. Appearing was Mr. Mills drunk as fuck holding a bottle in his hand. "L-Look kid I suggest you to go home right now so you don't end up like him you got it!" I ignored of what he said. I pushed him but he wouldn't move. "GET OUT OF MY WAY HE NEEDS ME!" He laughs, "No you're not going near that boy." He was out of it until I grabbed his empty bottle out of his hand. "Hey give it back to me!" I refused. "No you get what you fucking deserved!" I slammed the bottle down hard on his head slowly knocking him out. I ran to Michael yelling out his name but he still was conscious. I pick him up running out of the house carefully. "Shit I'm gonna be in so much trouble." I walked a few miles away from the house where it was safe. I dialed 911 as I waited for an ambulance to come. "Michael please say something to me!" I got on top of him pulling on his hoodie. "Wake up please.." He slowly opened up his eyes coughing. "J-Jeremy I'm so sorry.. You shouldn't have been with me today or at all. This wouldn't happen if I didn't exist!" I hear the ambulance coming down the street as tears came out my eyes. "I'm right here buddy. I'm not going anywhere I promise you. Are parents won't take us away ever again." I pinky promised him as the ambulance. He fell asleep as he got in the ambulance laying down. I got in with him so I could keep him company. When I got to the hospital sitting in the waiting room waiting for a response. It's been like an hour or so. I started to get anxious. Soon a girl comes up to a desk saying, "Is Michael mills here?" The nurse nods as she pointed her to the wait room. She comes over with flowers sitting down next to me. I look over and I couldn't believe my eyes. It was Christine. "Christine I didn't know you came." She gives the flowers to me. "Tell Michael I gave them to you and also your mom called me to come and look for you. She's worried I guess." Anger built up inside me. "She isn't worried about me. She's still disappointed in me which I don't care and I just wanna be there for Michael." She puts her head down clenching her fist. "Jeremy I want us to stay friends if you're okay with that. I don't care what Brooke or any other people say about you. I just wanna be your friend... That's all I want." I got up and hugged her. "Yeah we can be friends and thanks for the flowers by the way." She smiles a bit and says, "It's no problem. Is it okay if I stay here?" I nod. "Yes. If my mom ever finds out I'm here I'm dead so please look out for me." She nods as I walked back up to the front desk. "Excuse me, do you think I can see him now?" The nurse says to me, "Yes for a bit. Follow me please." I follow her to the room as I see Michael sleeping. "I'll come back and remind you when it's time to go then after that only family members will be allowed." I asked her, "I'm his family and no one else. Please only just me to go see him." She nods as she writes it down. "Of course only you can see him. I'll leave you be now." She closes the door as I sit on the bed holding his hand. "Michael I know you're probably still sleeping but I know you can't go back to your house. I think we can live together and start a whole new life. Fuck everyone else we only need each other right?" He opens his eyes and smiles. "I only need you too. We need to get out of here. I don't want anyone else finding out we're here." I brushed his hair back kissing him. "Christine is keeping a look out but you need to stay here for 1 more day. I'll even stay with you through out the night." I climb over next to him cuddling him. Soon Christine comes in and shuts the door quickly. "Micheal your mom is here and I couldn't stop her." I sat up against the door. "I don't wanna see her ever." Christine comforts him as I hear his mother call out his name. The screams continued as I heard the nurses saying he's not allowed to see anyone else. Soon the mother stormed down the hall. "Where is my son. I wanna see Michael Mills! Please he needs me.." The nurse stops her from entering the room as I saw Michael crying from the distance. "J-Jeremy we need to get out of here soon please." I nod. "We will soon don't worry." A few hours later I was sleeping next to him holding him in my arms. Christine leaves out a note for me on the table as she left the room quietly. Later it was morning. I woke up seeing he was still by me. I kiss him as he woke up kissing me. "Do you feel okay?" He nods. "Yeah I feel fine now thanks." I get out of bed reading the note from Christine saying, "I just want you to know I'll always be here for you. Also I put a new phone number for Michael to use since his old phone number was disconnected. Talk to you soon." Michael sat up as the nurse came in the room. "Okay Michael Mills I think you're all set to go. Jeremy just sign here then he'll be released to go." I signed the paper as I ran out of the hospital with Michael. Starting today we start a whole new life...

To be continued

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