-Unexpected turn out-

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Jeremy's POV: A few hours later in my room Michael was still in my arms crying hearing about what happened. Who knew that his father was dangerous and I had to protect him to keep him away from him. Michael was just staring at the window saying nothing. "Nothing will ever happen to you I promise." says me whispering in his ear. He holds me tight as he said, "W-What about you? Why did you say you'll give your life up over mine!?" I brushed his hair back saying, "If they want me instead then I'll go with him if I have to. I just don't want you getting hurt." He pushes me back grabbing me by the collar on the bed tightly saying, "Are you crazy? He's dangerous more than anyone you could ever meet!" I say back to him, "I get it you think I'm crazy but maybe this is the only way to save you!" Meanwhile he gets on top of me pulling tight again on my shirt, "Can we just stop this please? Just please stop talking about him!" He looks down as I pulled him down on me leaving my lips on his. He sat back up not wanting to be in the mood. "I'm sorry Jeremy but I can't just do this right now. My mother is dead and all you want is to get turned on right now!" His anger melted towards me leaving me blank. "Michael that's not what I mean. I wanna be there for you and I wanna help you get through this.." He gets off the bed putting his head down leaving his fingers in a fist. "Just don't... Just leave me alone!" Soon Michael ran out of the room slamming the door. I just sat there empty... I need to go after him. When I ran downstairs the front door was wide opened. He ran away and it's my fault. I shout, "DAMN IT THIS IS ALL MY FAULT!" Later my parents come out looking at me in distress. I look at them and ran out of the house trying to find him. Please be okay... I will find you somehow.

Micheals POV: As I kept on running I was losing my breath. Tears fell out of my eyes as I wanted to break down. I know this wasn't the best choice to do but I decided to go to the police station to go see my dad for the very last time. Jeremy probably would kill me if I was there but I have to do it. When I got to the station I sat in the waiting room waiting for an answer. The cop came up to me asking, "You sure you wanna see him like this?" I nod as I walked with him to the cell that my dad was in. "You have 15 minutes and that's it." I nod as he sat down in his desk as I looked and saw him. He was not surprised that I came but I knew what I had to do. "Oh look who came. The disappointment my son was." He laughs as he drank some alcohol. I grabbed the bars tight saying, "Listen here! I only came because this is the only time I'm coming here! Not because to see you but only saying this to you once." He came forward to me smiling at me. "Whatever it is I don't give a fuck about you." Soon I kicked the bars on the cell hard. "FUCK YOU! I NEVER WANNA SEE YOU AGAIN! Also stay away from me and Jeremy. If I ever see you again you won't regret of what I'll do to you." I walk back to the door leaving the station. I wanted to get drunk somewhere but I know Jeremy would get worried. I just wanted this pain to go away. As I was walking I walked into this convenience store buying some beer that I rarely ever drink. Soon I noticed Jeremy was almost over here but I didn't want him to see me like this. I quickly walked back in the store seeing if he didn't even notice. Shit he's coming in.. I hid behind the stock shelves of snacks as he approached the cash register. He said, "Um hi excuse me have you seen a boy wearing a red hoodie and wears glasses?" He points in that direction as  he continued to walk over here. He taps my shoulder as I turned around shaking looking up at him, "H-Hey Jeremy you found me haha." I pulled him forward hugging him tightly in my arms. "You had me worried.. I thought something bad happened." says Jeremy. Soon I grabbed Jeremys hand and left the store. I was still shaking as he looked at me as I was holding the bag of beer still. "Michael I'm worried about you.. You know I didn't mean all that stuff I said." I was still anxious but I said, "Please don't be upset with me if I say this." He says back, "I won't be upset I promise." I took a deep breath and held his hand tight. "I went to the station to go see my dad the last time and he won't be coming near us ever again." It both shocked us but it was good news at least for now. "So you're saying we're safe from him?" I nod as I hugged him not wanting to let go of him. When we both got to Jeremy's house we both went in his room shutting the door locking it. As we got on the bed Jeremy was on top of me sliding my hoodie off throwing it on the floor. He kisses me as he started to slide off my pants. He whispers to me, "Michael you don't care if I go fast right?" I nod saying, "I just wanna feel you. It'll make me feel better." He smiles as he took my boxers off. I took off his as he got on top thrusting into me. He starts off slow until he starts to go faster. Soon he makes out with me leaving cum dripping from his mouth. "Aah! Careful when you go down there." He laughs a bit saying, "Don't worry I'll take it easy for you." Jeremy's POV: After a while we both were knocked out sleeping next to each other cuddling. Meanwhile I heard the doorbell ring as I slowly got off the bed leaving my room quietly. I walked downstairs and noticing it was so dark I couldn't barely see. When I got to the door I looked if anyone was there. Was this some kind of joke? I opened the front door walking out to catch some air. "It feels sorta relieved to be outside." I take a deep breath as I sat on the steps watching the moon and stars go by. I reach out to them smiling. Soon when I got back up I walked back to the door as later someone grabbed me and threw a rag over my mouth making me pass out. I hear someone picking me up and throwing me in a van driving away from my house. Was I being kidnapped?    |To be continued|

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