Chapter 1 | You make me sparkle

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[Click's pov]

I look in the fridge for the cola I thought I had left there. I could swear I bought a few cans of it but they have all mysteriousely vanished. i walk to oz's room who was busy in his room editing a video. Or that's what I thought at least. I knock on the door. "oz, have you seen the cans of cola I bought? I yelled and hoped he could hear me through the door. "yeah, I drank a few and I have one left now. Come in!"

I opended the door. I saw oz sitting at his desk and smiling. And then I felt it. A water balloon fell off of the door and onto my head. it was really cold and it just felt like someone dumped a slushy on me. I let out the most high pitched scream I had ever made. After I realized what I did I covered my mouth and look up at him. "really?" oz came up to me with a towel and the can of coke. He was about to lose it. "here you go buddy" he giggled, handing me the can and towel. "well, at least I don't have to shower anymore." I joked. Oz just laughed and replied: "yeah... about that. look down." Then I looked down and realized the whole floor was covered in glitter. And the towel. And me!

"Oh, you'll pay for that. come here!" I yelled as I chased him around his room. When he tripped over a cable, I lifted him up and hugged him. Ruining his clothes like he just ruined mine. I'm clearly worse off with my hair full of glitter. But I'm satisfied for now. Even if it will take a while before all the glitter disappears. I guess now I'll go take a shower

The Click X Oz media fanfiction (FINISHED)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon