Chapter 9 | C o n f l i c t >:D

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It has been weeks since they're dating.

Click nuzzles up to Oz's chest. "How are you today, Ozzy Wozzy?" He asks, slightly sticking out his tongue. Oz wraps his arms around the smaller. "Except for answering tweets about where you've been the whole time, it's been fine." He smiles. Click gives him a confused look. "Huh? but I've only been gone for like a few days" he mumbles. "Click. you haven't uploaded anything in two months. you- you haven't even been on twitter. You have just been with me wherever I go."
Click looks down. "Yeah... but I wub u..." He mumbles. Oz gives him a kiss on hes forehead. "I know you do. But your fans are worried. Topic even told me you cancelled a podcast recording not once, not twice, but three times. some times I feel like I'm your dad because every time we do something I have to check if you don't have plans with other people."

Click slowly tilts up his head again and stands on his toes to get his face closer to Oz's. "You can be my daddy if you want~" He whispers.
Oz sighs and pushes away Click's face. "Yeah yeah, so do you want me to help you upload again or not?" He asks. receiving a tight hug from click as a response. "Alright then, let's go to your room."

Meanwhile Topic is in the kitchen leaning over the counter. "I'm not jealous... I'm not jealous..." He mumbles as his hands clench into fists.
Salty walks into the kitchen and pauses for a moment as he sees topic like this. "Are you o-" "No, I'm not okay!" Topic yells from frustration, cutting Salty off. "Oh... Okay man, if you say so..."
Topic turns towards him. "Oh, oh my goodness, I'm so sorry for lashing out like that. I-I don't know what came over me.." He softly says as he walks closer to Salty. "I just haven't been feeling like myself lately.."
Salty looks at Topic with a look of sympathy. "You miss hanging out with Click, don't you?"
"...Mhm.." Topic mumbles as he looks away. "But it's not his fault. relationships take a lot of time and effort and I really do support it. I just feel like I lost a friend because I haven't even talked to him since a few months ago. w-we live in the same house but I still miss him."
Salty nods. "Maybe you should talk to him about it. This is really upsetting you and I don't want any of my friends to feel like this."

After click is done recording a video with Oz he leans back in his chair. "Ozzyyyyy..."
"What is it, Click?"
"Come into my room I wanna feel your warmth"
Click hears an audible sigh from the other side of the call and giggles.
"Can you please not?"
"Uwu, but Ozzy Wozzy you're so smexy I just want you to-"
Oz hangs up, making Click chuckle. "Wooks wike I'm just too cute uwu"

But the reason Oz hung up is because Salty entered his room. Oz turns around in his chair to face his friend. "What's up Salty?" he asks, sounding kind of annoyed because Salty didn't knock first. "Hmm... not much. I just came here to ask you about why your boyfriend doesn't talk to topic anymore. It's making him upset. And we both know Topic isn't going to confront you two about that himself." Salty leans against the wall as he talks, not feeling too comfortable confronting Oz about something like this. Oz slowly nods. "Alright. So why do you ask me instead of Click?"
Salty raises and eyebrow at Oz. "You're telling me he's not here most of the time? If he isn't here now he'll probably be here in a few minutes. That's part of the problem."

Click comes out of his room and walks through the hallway to go to Oz's room instead. As he walks he bumps into Topic, almost tripping after but staying on his feet.
"Oh hey, didn't see you there Topic" Click chuckles as he turns around to face his friend. Topic nervously looks back at him. "Yeah... Say, can you talk about something?"
Click shakes his head, walking backwards. "Nah, I'm about to go cuddle my Ozzy Wozzy to sleep"
Before Topic can say anything back Click has already walked away.

As Click walks into Oz's room he notices Salty is there talking to him.
"Hi Ozzy!" Click begins. He does start feeling worried and his expression says as much when he notices the tension between Salty and Oz. Click chuckles nervously.
"Guys... Hi... Uhh... Nice weather we're having today, huh?"
Salty glares at him. "You're making Topic feel like shit by constantly ditching him for recording." He states, sounding pretty mad.
"Don't fucking talk to my boyfriend like that!" Oz yells at him. Topic hears the yelling and walks into Oz's room too. "...guys?..."
Salty looks back at Oz. "Maybe if your boyfriend didn't make topic so sad I would just be acting normal right now. But your relationship is stressing everyone out!"
"Well maybe you'll know what real love is when you stop being a closeted f-"

"GUYS!" Topic yells, shocking everyone into shutting up so Topic can speak. "I know that I'm a bit of a pacifist, okay? I tend to not confront people about their own choices and let them have their fun. But this? I didn't want this!"

Topic looks at Oz. "I don't want to know what you were about to call Salty, but I am disappointed in you."
He then looks at Salty. "And I know you're trying to help but this isn't like you! I know you are still under some stress thanks to moving here but please, don't involve yourself with my problems. I can handle it."
"...And Click.. I should have hecking told you that you were upsetting me."
Click nods and chuckles. Yeah... you should.
Click then walks to Oz, burying his face in the other's neck. "You must feel kinda dumb now for overreacting like that, don't you..." Click mumbles


Authors these days

any author born after 1993 can't write... all they know is reading, disappoint they audience, cry, be bisexual eat hot chip & lie

...anyway here is the part y'all have been waiting for for literal months. next chapter is going to try and make sense of what the hell I have written and wrap a few things up. Hopefully if I ever write another book it will be better than whatever this was. 

Oh and one last thing. If you want to read a few good stories you can check out the one shot book Artist_tears made. maybe call her cute in the comments or something :3

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