Chapter 4 | the date (part one)

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[click's pov]
I nervously leaned on one leg after I knocked on the door. I really hope he will say yes to a date. Maybe I should phrase it differently and just ask him if we can eat at a restaurant today. He has made it clear to me in the past that he is 100% straight and I don't want it to be awkward between us. Especially when we move in with all of our friends in a week or so.

Oz opens his door and leans his body against his doorframe, arms crossed. I tried my best to keep my voice steady while talking. "Yo, Oz. I was wondering if we could maybe eat dinner at a restaurant today. Would you mind?". Oz smiled before replying "Sure, why not? Will you make a reservation for tonight?" "Oui, I'll go do that while you focus on putting on some pants." I chuckled. He was visibly embarrassed and just closed the door on me.

That evening we went to my favorite restaurant that I had found some time ago after I just moved to Amerika while I got lost after buying groceries. It was a local diner owned and run by a nice old couple. The woman called me handsome ;3c

We arrive around 7:30 pm so the restaurant wouldn't be packed. I greeted the owners and we sat down at the reserved table. It went pretty smooth until I made an inappropriate joke and Oz threw a breadstick at me. Which made me laugh even more.
One of the waiters then handed us the menu so he hid his face behind the one he was handed. I looked at mine too. It had a lot of options. I decided to choose tomato soup as a appetizer. He looked up from his menu to ask me what I ordered. I told him and then he told me he went with something with salmon I think. I didn't really pay attention to what he said. I just looked at him. The way his eyes skimmed the page of the menu trying to find the food he chose, the way he moved his hands while trying to explain why he thought it was the best while also listing some other appetizers he would like to try some time, he was probably making some really good arguments.

The waitress came back to take our order and get the menus back. "Good evening, have you decided what to order?" she asked. Oz smiled. "Yes, could I have the lemon-herb salmon toasts as an appetizer and then the Penne bolognese as the main course?" the waitress smiled and scribbled the order in a note book. She then looked at me for my order. "I'll have the tomato soup and burger" she jotted down my order too and walked away.

"So..." I began, "how's it going with your youtube channel? Any new video ideas?" Oz nodded and got his phone out of his pocket. "I noticed that chapter 10 of the fanfiction we were reading together had a lot of comments. most chapters had around ten to thirty comments, but this one has three hundred twenty seven right now." I tilted my head. "...So? they probably got in a discussion about who is bottom or something." Oz just smirked at me. "Click, I want you to read just this one part of the comments and tell me it isn't the most cursed thing you've seen all day"
I took his phone to see what he was talking about and oh lord

 "Click, I want you to read just this one part of the comments and tell me it isn't the most cursed thing you've seen all day"I took his phone to see what he was talking about and oh lord

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I must have looked horrified because Oz was laughing so hard he was crying. "Oz... you know this means we are going to have to make a video on this. right?" Oz nodded his head and tried to stop laughing.

The Click X Oz media fanfiction (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now