chapter 6 | A lovely morning :3

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[Click's pov]

I wake up really confused, like when you wake up and don't even know what century it is or what language you speak. I feel like I got knocked upside the head with a brick and fell asleep. It kind of feels like i've slept for like more than 10 weeks now actually.

I heard a gentle knock at my door. "It's open!" I yelled before face planting into my pillow. Oz came into my room and closed the door behind him. He was visibly still very tired. He walked to my bed and layed down beside me.

"Good morning, Ozzy wozzy. How did you sleep?" I asked him. Oz smiled. "I dreamed you were my boyfriend." I pet his head. "Oz, that wasn't a dream." Oz gasped in response. "Oh my god, even better." He beamed before nuzzling into my bare chest and falling asleep Immediately after. I laughed. "Oh Oz, you're just too adorable."

I check my phone and it's 8:30 am. Knowing oz he's probably not gone to sleep until 4 am so I let him rest and go check on my friends. Wait, what the-

*3 unread messages from wonder*
*1 unread message from Blair*
*2 unread messags from salty boi*
*12 unread messages from Topicy wopicy UwU*

...oh no. I guess I'll check what Wonder sent first. 

Wonder: sooo... how was your date?
jk lol
I already know

that's not creepy at all. who's next? I'll check Blair.

Blair: so you went on a date? Cool. tell me how it went when you read this

Click: How did you even know? did wonder tell you?

I see she's online and She begins typing
Blair: Don't question it.

Click: ...ok, sure. anyway, we had a lot of fun. maybe even a bit too much fun ;3c

*she goes offline*

I then sigh and check on topic
Topic: Hey click, when would you like to collaborate again?
oh, i see you're offline, sorry
tell me when you want to schedule something :D
oh, I just saw in the sad milk server you are going out for dinner
have fun!
wait, it's a date?
sorry if that sounded rude
wonder said so
but that's cute
I'll leave now
text me back :3

Click: oh, I'll look in my agenda for a date we can record on. I'll tell you later

I then finally check on salty

Salty: Hey
Please don't forget Topic.

...that's ominous, but sure. Why would I ever forget the man I'm shipped to death with? he's one of my best friends. But the best of course being...
I put my phone away and look at Oz, who is snuggling into my shoulder, starting to stir awake. God, he's cute.

[Oz's pov]

I wake up and immediately notice I'm not in my own room but in click's room instead. Oh, I almost forget we're dating now. Will that mean that later we will...? I stop thinking about it before I get too red. I hear him chuckle and look at him.
"Woah, you're just as red as last time I was shirtless and in bed with you." He grinned. I look down and realise he was indeed sleeping without a shirt on. "Eh, shut up! You're just comfortable to lay on, that's it." I yell as my face gets even redder. He just chuckles. "Well then, since we didn't actually kiss last time, wanna try again?" I roll my eyes and lean closer to kiss him. I was just going to give him a peck on the lips but he pulled me into a deep kiss by my shirt. Hey, I'm not complaining, he is a very good kisser and his lips are very soft.

He pulls away after a few minutes and smirks up at me. He then immediately ruins the moment by saying "Hmm, your lips are so sweet~" My face flushed when I heard that. What did that even mean? How does he manage to make me so annoyed and so happy at the same time? 

I sigh and push the pillow in his face. He just keeps laughing at me. "Stop that!" I yell at him. He calms down and wraps an arm around me. "Sorry sweetheart, you're just so cute when you're flustered." I pout. "whatever. Just go make us breakfast or something, pretty sure we have to start packing up our things for moving today."
He shrugs and get out of bed, walking to the kitchen. I get up too and start packing. I just hope moving into a house together with our friends will turn out okay...

Author's note:

Long time so see, huh? yeah... A lot happened and I won't bore you with most of it.
I hope I can write some more now because summer is finally here and I have six whole ass weeks of sitting at home because yay, lockdowns are so fun (I'm being sarcastic, of course)
see you next century because I'm shit at getting motivated enough to write and the whole thing with twitter freaked me out for real. (And thanks to everyone that gave their opinion about it. you are all lovely people and it helped me out a lot)

das it, bai!

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