Chapter 8 |Painting, how fun ;D

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[Oz's pov]

I wake up to the now familiar warmth of click pressed up against me. Even if he's cursed as all hell, not even that funny and gayer than our fans, his cuddles are make this relationship worth it. he's just amazing at it. I feel him pull me closer and nuzzle his cute face into my neck. If I could, I'd stay here forever. The feeling of our chests pressed together and his arms wrapped around me. I just feel so safe like this. It's almost euphoric. I don't think I ever want to get up. 
I then feel him move closer to my ear and whisper "So when will you let me bang you~?"
never mind, right now is a great time to get out of bed. I tell him such and he giggles. "Maybe later then~"


As I make lunch for everyone who arrived during the night, I hear Salty and Wonder fighting on the couch about something. I don't know what and couldn't care less, actually. Well, until one of them let out a yell so loud I flinch and accidentally burn my hand on one of the pans. I quickly run some cold water over my hand. then I look back and yell "Hey guys, what the FUCK!"
Maybe a bit too loud because after that I heard Blair yell "Shut the fuck up, Topic is still sleeping! If you have an issue you should confront the person like the adult you should pretend you are!"
You know what? Maybe I will.

After my hand doesn't hurt as much anymore I walk up to the couch where the two are still fighting over a tv remote. Seriously? They were yelling so hard over a remote? I grab it from them and roll my eyes. "Guys, what's even the problem?" Salty speaks up first. "I got here first and wanted to watch a movie we have on Netflix. It's about a cat that gets turned into a human and-" "It's literally a movie for kids. why would we watch that?" Wonder interrupts. They then start fighting again. I think of the best way to stop them from talking. "Oh my God, guys." I point at Wonder. "First of all, it's pretty clear you are looking for a reason to get mad just to get in a discussion with him." I then point at Salty. "And the sort of flirting thing you do isn't helping this thing either. That's probably what he wants anyway." I take a step back. "You can thank or hate me for pointing out the homosexual undertones to your discussion. Now, if you two could kindly shut the fuck up, that would be cool." I turn the tv to a cooking channel and walking away, leaving them in (thank god) an awkward silence.


As we're eating lunch Blair slides a piece of paper to the middle of the table. "This is the list of chores that have to be done today. To avoid you guys fighting over who gets to do what I did that myself. go take a look."
Topic picks it up and reads it out loud. "Paint the house: Topic, Salty, Click and Oz. Clean the attic: Blair and Wonder."
Blair nods. "There's also a list of daily chores on the fridge. but this is just for today. you guys can start right after lunch so the paint has time to dry."
everyone just nods their head and finishes their lunch.


[No Pov]

"Click, stop! You'll spill the paint everywhere!" Oz yells as Click is running outside with his already opened paint bucket. "Boo, you're no fun." Click says as he puts it down. A few seconds later Oz is standing next to him, panting like a dog as he sets down his own can as well. "Huff, h-how are you so fast?" Oz asks as he sits down on the ground to take a rest. "I can be fast in... Other ways too if you know what I mean Ozzy~" Click smirks, kneeling down next to him. He leans in and nuzzles into his lover's neck. "Rawr X3" He smirks. Oz laughs at him "Whatever, you furry" he comments as he pushes the other off of him.

"Dudes, we're not here to make out in the grass outside the house, if that was the case wonder would be here too." Salty mumbles the last part but everyone heard him anyway. Click starts to try and tease him about it. he stands up and gets real close to Salty's face before giggling "OwO, what's this, does our salty boi have a little crush on someone~?" Salty just chuckles at him. "Hahah, I guess you could call it that. Why not?"
Click frowns as Salty doesn't even look a bit embarrassed. "Whatever, let's paint this bitch" Oz says as he opens his can with a flat screwdriver.

After a few minutes they've all started painting the house. "Stop swinging the brush around, Click! You'll get it in my hair!" Oz yells as he steps away from the other. "What's wrong Ozzy, scared of a little paint?" Click asks as he takes a step closer. "Well I don't like to have paint all over me." Oz retorts, continuing to brush paint onto the wall. "Oh come on Ozzy, you'll need to practice for later todayy~" Click whines as he slowly drags his brush over Oz's face. Oz reacts by grabbing the other's hand and twisting it so the smaller boy can't move anymore. "Would you stop that? Blair will get mad at you." He calmly says. Click nods and Oz releases him.

After some time he slowly moves towards his slightly pissed off partner again and drags his brush down the other's back and backside. Oz lets out a surprised yelp before turning his body towards the smirking man. And Click immediately makes it worse by saying "How about I take off those dirty clothes~"

Oz decides he's had enough of this and pushes Click against the wall, getting the wet paint all over the back of click's clothes. "Let me get a few things clear for you." Oz tilts the other's chin up with his paintbrush "First off, you're definitely not the dominant one here. Understand~?" Click says nothing and just nods, being caught of guard by this sudden burst of confidence. "And secondly, if you keep this up you're going to have a rough night. You understand?" Click nods his head again and Oz gives him a quick kiss. "Good boy~" he coos before letting go and resuming painting the wall.
Click slowly stands back up after a few seconds, feeling a bit dizzy after what just happened.


By this time Topic and Salty have already started painting the other side of the house since the other two were ignoring them and it started to upset Topic.

"Do you have a thing for Click?" Salty begins while not looking up from the painting he's doing. "Well, no. I'm just scared I'm going to lose my friend when he's in this relationship. It's almost like he's just ignoring me, his best friend." Topic whines as his eyes start tearing up a bit. "It's not like I don't want them to be in a relationship, he looks so happy with Oz and I would never want to ruin that for him. So as long as he's happy, I'm happy." he says directly after, wiping the tears from his eyes and making a pitiful attempt to smile. "Aha, just try to talk to them about this if it becomes too much, okay?" Salty asks. Topic nods, but deep down he knows he wouldn't try it in fear of ruining the relationship the two have now.

"... I hope he doesn't forget about me."


Do you like the new cover? i thought it at least looks better than that crappy drawing ;p
If you've read this far can you please vote on the chapters? It helps motivate me enough to make another chapter and shows me people are still reading this.
Other than that, have an amazing day <3

The Click X Oz media fanfiction (FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora