chapter 7 | Cuddles and planes

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Here's chapter 7 brought to you by my dumb ass who forgot Washington and Washington dc are two different things or something. (I'm not American how the hell would I know?) So I decided to be mean to them and send them all the way to Washington dc lmao, enjoy

[Click's pov]

"Get up!"

I feel someone slap my face and I jolt up. "ah! what the hell?" I look up to see Oz's face centimeters from my own. "You couldn't just shake me or something?" I ask, slightly annoyed. "Oh, I did, and you just turned over and went back to sleep. But sorry for hurting you." He kisses me on my cheek and I lighten up a bit. I get why he did it, he doesn't wants to miss our flight. We spent all of yesterday packing things we want to bring to the new house into boxes and donating everything we don't. It may have been the coffee but he was really jittery and stressed throughout the day. 

He gets off of me. "Get dressed, we have to leave in one hour." Oz says before walking out. Oh boy, this day is going to be hectic

About two hours later we are sitting in those uncomfortable plastic chairs at the departure gate thing. Oz is looking really tired and I just hope we can board the plane soon. Oz is about to fall asleep on my shoulder when we hear the jingle from the intercom they play before every message.

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, due to technical difficulties departure will be delayed until one PM. I repeat, this flight will departure at one PM."

I check the time and see that's three hours from now. I sigh and turn to Oz. "Maybe it's better you just sleep here, I can tell you're really tired." He looks at me. "Can I sleep on your shoulder?" I nod and he leans on my shoulder, eventually falling asleep.

About an hour into waiting I notice a few kids that look to be teenagers whispering while looking at me. One then goes "UwU!" and snickers as the others who cover their faces in embarrassment. I chuckle a bit and I hear the one that's not uncomfortable say "Yep. pretty sure that's him."
I just finished reading something on my phone when finally the jingle that's starting to get really fucking annoying comes on again

"Attention ladies and gentlemen, any technical difficulties we had have been resolved and you will start boarding in a few minutes"

I put away my phone and poke oz's cheek to wake him up. His eyes flutter open as he's pretty confused at first but slowly realises what's going on. "The flight is happening?" he asks. I chuckle, understanding what he means but laughing at the weird way he phrased it. "yes, the plain is taking off soon. We'll just have to wait." He smiles. "Thank you for letting me lean on you." He goes to kiss me but I stop him, gesturing at the teens that now know I indeed am the cursed youtuber they thought I was. He understands and just gives me a peck on the cheek instead.

It's about 4 in the morning when we land. We stumble out of the plane and walk outside to meet Blair who's waiting for us in her car, sleeping in the driver's seat. Oz knocks on the window and Blair opens it. "Hey guys, how was your flight?" She asks us. I shrug and say "We'll tell you later. Just unlock the car before Oz falls over." She unlocks the doors so we can get in and drives us home. 

Oz aimlessly stares out the window during the drive to the new house. I start to feel a bit uncomfortable. No one here is talking and it's clear Blair knows Oz and I are a thing. So I do the only normal thing in this situation and embarrass my lovely boyfriend. "Ozzy, sweetheart~?" I say in a sing-songy voice. I see Blair rolling her eyes in the car mirror. "What is it, click?" I hear my tired boyfriend question as he looks me up and down with his tired eyes. I then smirk at him and ask 

"Wanna make out~?"

Blair then abruptly stops the car on the side of the road, scaring the living daylights out of Oz and making me nervously chuckle. I think I may have messed up a bit. Blair turns around towards us. "Listen. for as far as I'm aware everyone in sad milk supports your relationship and that's amazing. But this will probably mean some adult activities you guys will NOT do while any of us are in range, unless if you're going to be really quiet." She looks at Oz while saying the final few words, making me chuckle a bit. He sighs and rolls his eyes. "Are you really going to explain the birds and the bees to two adult men after we just got off a fifteen hour flight?" He asks. "Yes, because I don't trust that thing" she gestures at me "To not start kissing you the moment you enter the house." Oz shrugs at that. "That's fair." And Blair continues driving home.

It's about 5:30 am as we finally arrive at the house. Blair shows us the rooms and since we're the second to arrive, we get first pick. Oz picks the smallest room and I pick the second largest, Blair obviously having chosen the largest after arriving here first yesterday.

After we unpack all our important things and get ready for bed, Oz knocks at my door. "Come in" I tell him, just having finished changing my shirt. He comes into the room wearing strawberry pyjamas. He looks so cute, like a toddler almost. Wait, that sounds creepy... He looks as cute as a toddler. nope, still weird. Whatever, he's just really really cute even if he's way taller than me.
He shuffles up to me. "Can I sleep in your room?" I smirk. "What do you want to do with me then~?" He rolls his eyes. "Don't make it weird, I just want to cuddle." I laugh and nod, getting into the bed and him doing the same. He pulls me into his chest and I wrap an arm around him. He's such a good cuddler I fall asleep almost immediately. But not before whispering "I love you, Oz~"

"I love you too, Click~"


Oop- what's that? an entire chapter of them just basically acting like a couple and doing couple stuff? I'm sorry, I just use writing fanfiction to fill the empty void inside.


See you next chapter!

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