Chapter 3 | What do you think I am? A light switch?

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[Click's pov]
I woke up with a bitch of a headache. "Damn" I thought "I must have blacked out again. I hope Oz didn't notice me acting way too druk for only having had a few beers. If he finds out I also drank half a bottle of whisky he would get really mad."
It took me a few minutes to notice I wasn't alone in my bed. I turned my head and saw oz sleeping next to me. He looked so peaceful just sleeping there. very cute actually. he was wearing a small smirk that kind of looked like a cat face. a lock of hair was just falling over his eyes so I brushed the hair behind his ear. I then saw his eyes flutter open and make eye contact with mine.

[Oz pov]

I felt something touch my hair and woke up. after I had opened my eyes I realised where I was and what had happened the night before. I felt my face turn a dark pink shade when I realised I was in bed with a shirtless Click. He looked me in the eyes but all I could do is stare at his lips. I tried not to, but me eyes just trailed back to his lips if not his chest.
I slightly parted my lips as if preparing myself for something. I didn't quite know what if I'm being honest. I just did it subconsciously.

He moved closer to me. He held my chin between his thumb and index finger and tilted it upwards. I didn't know why I didn't resist. maybe it was the heat of the moment. I could feel his hot breath on my face. we were just about to lock lips when his phone went off.
We both looked the phone. salty was calling him. Great.

Click sighed, but answered the call anyway. I would be mad, but this was probably about the new house we were all buying together. I had heard from salty a few days ago that he had looked at a few houses already but this one in particular was promising.

Click put the phone on speaker and put it down so he could put on a t-shirt. the following conversation took place.

(underlined text = Click, this text = salty)

"Yo, Salty. Is there a particular reason you needed to call me at 9 am or did you just hope to interrupt something?"

"Oh, I'm sorry if I interrupted you and your boyfriend."

"He isn't-"

"Anyway, I think I found a house suitable for all of us. It's somewhere in washington. it has eight bedrooms, one for each of us. I'll send you the details later. I will admit, it's not the most pretty house i've ever seen but it has eight bedrooms and it's decently priced."

" and you couldn't wait a few more hours to tell me?"

"well, that's the thing. They want to know at the end of today if we will buy it."

"Oh, of course."

Click then turned to me.

"You ok with that?"

I nodded my head.

"Oz is okay with it too"

"that's great. I'll just call Blair and Damien and if they agree we will finally have our house!"

"That's cool, bye!"

Click then hung up without awaiting an answer. He then turned to me. "I'm going to change now. I don't mind if you watch but I just wanted to make you aware." I scoffed to hide my embarrassment. "Real smooth, Click". I got up off the bed and left the room.

When I got to my room I face planted into my bed. "Gosh" I thought. "Why did he have to crash here of all places? He makes me so uncomfortable. He randomly flirts with me, making me blush a lot. using vaguely sexual euphemisms.. He makes me feel... Like..."


I shoot up.

"Like I like him."

I grab my phone that was laying on my night stand and opened discord to see if anyone else was online. Wonderstruck and Blair were. I decided to message Wonder, because Blair was kind of done with our nonsense after the valentine's day fanfiction reading.

(underlined text = Oz, this text = Wonder)

"...Hey, Wonder, I kind of have a problem" I type.

after a few seconds I get one back.

What's up, Oz?"

"Well, I think I might be gay... For Click"

It took him a few minutes to respond.

"Well, congrats. You are officially the second-to-last person to find out"

"Who is the last then?"

"Click himself. y'know, he just sent me an entire rant about how salty is a cock block and that he may never have another opportunity to kiss you again."

"How did you respond?"

"Oh, by telling him you actually like him back and he should just go for it again. but maybe after taking you out for a fancy dinner"

I heard knocking on my door

"Have fun!"

Author's note:

OwO, what's this? a cliffhanger and tease in the same chapter? jep, I am satan :)

Anyway, for the people that read this fanfiction before I changed the first chapter (I mean chapter 0,5 | Introduction) let me summarise some things that make the story make a bit more sense: Oz and click live in the same house right now because they are waiting until they found a house the entire cast of sad milk can live in. so click moved to America until they found one.

that's all, I hope you have a great day and don't commit arson. (I'm looking at you, @SadWizardCat )

The Click X Oz media fanfiction (FINISHED)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora