Chapter 12

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For the rest of the summer solstice celebration, Dahdtoudi and the others had gathered around the fire pit on the beach and watched the humans dance and drink the night away. The surviving Macintosh baby was questioned incessantly by the females about what it was like in "the realm of the gods", and more than one male inquired as to whether she'd returned to pick a mate.

At the end of the night, Malcom Stevenson had insisted Dahdtoudi stay in the human settlement while the supposed gods were visiting, but Tah'kath directed Zaiyu and the other young bloods to stay with her for supervision. The four had been shown to a small bedroom that was only meant to house three average sized humans that had an attached bathroom, and they were quick to make themselves comfortable. Dahdtoudi was the first to give in to the weight of sleep, and Aichu tilted her head in curiosity.

"Does she usually rest this early?" Zaiyu nodded while stretching out to his sister's left, placing himself between her and the doorway.

"Yes, and she will sleep until nearly dawn. Instead of needing only three to four hours of rest per night like us, A'ytu says human need about seven to function properly." He turned his gaze to the unconscious human as he folded his hands over his abdomen. "And with the day she's had, I wouldn't be surprised if she sleeps longer."

"So strange...what is it like having a human in your family, Zaiyu?"

"Much like it would be if she were a Yautja, I'm sure. I don't really think about it much me she is not pyode-amedha, she is simply my little sister."

The next morning the hunters were greeted by a human female that appeared younger than Dahdtoudi; this female had yellowish-white colored hair and big, brown eyes

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The next morning the hunters were greeted by a human female that appeared younger than Dahdtoudi; this female had yellowish-white colored hair and big, brown eyes. She wore a brown shirt with blue pants and black sandals. The female had knocked on the door of the room, and Zaiyu had opened the wooden barrier. She bowed low at the waist and spoke in the human language, earning a confused tilt of the head from the Blooded Warrior. After a moment, he turned to face the bathroom extension and let out a loud trill of clicks and growls.

Minutes later, Dahdtoudi stepped to the door, wearing nothing but a bath towel that reached just below her buttocks. Her long brown hair was dripping with hot water, and beads of the liquid decorated her skin. "Forgive us, my brother does not understand your tongue." The girl smiled brightly and bowed once more.

"Pardon my intrusion...I wanted to invite you down for breakfast. The others may come as well if they so desire." Dahdtoudi spoke to the other hunters without looking away from the slightly shorter human, and when they gave their responses she nodded in agreement to the blonde girl.

"We will join your clan for...breakfast. I wish to speak with the Rachel female about the ones known as Laura and James." The blonde smiled again and bowed respectfully before turning to leave down the corridor. Dahdtoudi watched her go, and once the girl was out of sight, she closed the door and turned to face her brother. "You're all going with me whether you like it or not. If I have to suffer with them, then so do you..!"

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