Chapter 22

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Dahdtoudi had arrived back at the human planet either by her father's command or of her own free will...she couldn't remember which. She was older now; well into adulthood. She had acquired a mate: strong, handsome, and high in status. Her father would be proud. She was with child now, nearing the end of the pregnancy. She didn't know whether it would be male or female, but she wished for a female.

She'd always wanted a daughter, but she would be fine with a son as well. She would love her child no matter what. Dahdtoudi wanted desperately to connect with her mother, to tell her of the child's development rate, how strong its heart beat, and how it would kick and flip inside the safety of the womb whenever she ate strange food pairings...but she had no way to contact her family.

When she had left the planet she grew up on, she had been forced to leave all of her gear behind. They couldn't risk the humans taking and adapting their technology, so Dahdtoudi was unable to bring hers. The only thing she was allowed to keep was the intricate dagger made of d'lex - the strong, metallic, crystalline material that the Yautja used in many of their everyday items such as buildings, armor, and weapons.

She no longer carried the weapon as she had no reason to, but she kept it in a drawer near her bed. Dahdtoudi smiled at the thought of the dagger, and then she was filled with sadness. The only being she considered to be a friend had made it by hand as a gift...she would never be able to see that friend again.

An image of Zaiyu entered her mind, and she smiled once more. Surely he would have a mate and pups of his own by now...miniature versions of her brother running through a dwelling...Paya have mercy on the female who was brave enough to take him as a mate. She must have the patience of a god if she was able to live with Zaiyu without killing him. Especially after birthing his little hellspawn.

A gentle kick from within her stomach pulled Dahdtoudi from her thoughts, and she placed a hand on the spot only to be met with another gentle kick. The child always seemed to grow excited when she thought of her brother, and Dahdtoudi smiled down at her protruding belly. "If you are a male, your name will be Zaiyu...if you are female, you will be Daih'kea." Another kick was her answer, and she smiled again. "My little warrior..."

She flinched as a full pain shot through her abdomen, and she attempted to sit up on her bed but fell back to her side as a stronger stabbing pain began to radiate through her. A strong smell of iron filled the room as a crimson fluid began to cover her white sheets. Another pain in her abdomen made her cry out to anyone who would hear, but no one came. She was alone, she was scared, and she was losing her child.

Dahdtoudi wasn't sure how much time had passed since the pain and bleeding began, but she finally gave birth to the tiny being. A frail baby girl with brown hair and grayish blue eyes. The child's skin was a soft blue but soon took on an ashy hue. No matter what she did, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get the child to breathe.

She cried, her body convulsing with each powerful sob as she realized the daughter she was prayed for all her life, the child she already loved more than anything else was now dead before it had ever been allowed a chance at life.

She could hear a voice calling her name; her mate was here but she didn't care. Still she cried, weeping as she cradled her stillborn against her chest. The voice grew louder. "Dahdtoudi? Dahdtoudi..! Dahdtoudi!"

"Dahdtoudi! Wake up" The girl sat up faster than her mind could register the motion, and she looked around the dimly lit room until she found her mother standing over her

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"Dahdtoudi! Wake up" The girl sat up faster than her mind could register the motion, and she looked around the dimly lit room until she found her mother standing over her. She felt moisture on her face, especially under her eyes. She instinctively tried to wipe the moisture away with her palms. Her heart felt as though t would beat out of her chest, and her shoulders heaved as she tried to catch her breath. "Dahdtoudi, what were you screaming about?!"

"I-I don't know..." A dream, it was all a dream... "I-I'm sorry. I don't know." Daih'kea watched the girl for several moments as if deciding whether or not to believe her.

"Is the fever gone? The pain?" Dahdtoudi nodded, looking around the room once more. She was home. This was reality. "Go bathe. Clean up and ready yourself for the evening meal." Dahdtoudi nodded before swinging her legs over the edge of the bed and forcing her body to stand. Her muscles ached with every step, but she was silent as she made her way to the bathing area.

Her pulse was beginning to level out, but the adrenaline left her body weak and shaking. She removed the compression top and shorts before climbing into the oasis pool and added in the soap as her mother had taught her from a young age. After a moment she sank under the surface of the water, letting it soak her long brown locks. When she came back up for air, the door opened to reveal her mother carrying her freshly sanitized armor and a clean set of compression undergarments.

"Dahdtoudi, when you are finished, dress in your armor. We will be leaving when we finish the evening meal."

"Where are we going?"

"Do not ask questions, only do as you are told, Dahdtoudi." The girl nodded in understanding and suddenly felt a twinge of fear and regret. Perhaps her mother was angry that she asked A'ytu for the serum without telling her mother before hand...but what punishment would she receive? She needed her armor, would they be sparring? No, her mother had not sparred since before they adopted Zaiyu, and she only fought when it was absolutely necessary. This can't be good, she thought.

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