Chapter 31

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Dahdtoudi stepped into the training arena, clad in full armor as she stepped toward the group of arranged Young Bloods. T'ahrou was among them, standing off to the side of the group. She stood near the male but did not speak to him. He returned the human's silence. Before long the training master entered the arena and the Young Bloods fell into formation, standing in a straight line with perfect stillness and posture.

"As you all know the kiande-amedha chiva will occur in two days. Tomorrow will be the trial tournament. If you are eliminated from the tournament, you will not be deemed worthy to participate in the chiva." The master cast his gaze along the line of Young Bloods, many of them meeting his eyes directly. "If your match ends in a draw, neither of you will move on to the chiva. However, since it is unlikely that many of you will survive the kiande-amedha, you will train for three hours and go home to be with your families. Fight honorably tomorrow. You will not only represent yourself and your bloodline, but you represent my teaching as well. Don't make me kill you for disgracing my name."

As the master walked away, Dahdtoudi couldn't help but ponder his lackluster speech. He had never been very good at anything other than fighting, but no one would call him out on it. The human girl watched silently from behind her bio-mask as everyone broke off into pairs, and she flinched slightly as a deep voice resonated from behind her.

"You appear to be feeling better." She turned and craned her neck to look up at T'ahrou, his amber eyes intense as they stared at her eye shields. "Are you fully healed?" She struggled to gather her thoughts as he stood with his large arms folded over his chest; he looked so stoic yet so deadly at the same time.

"A'ytu says there is still fluid in my lungs. An infection called pneumonia. He has treated me for the cough and fever, though. I feel fine." T'ahrou nodded approvingly and Dahdtoudi traced her fingers over the intricate hilt of the dagger that was strapped to her thigh. "I owe you my life, T'ahrou." The male scoffed as he turned his head away, his tresses arching with the action. "I'll keep you alive during the chiva as repayment, deal?"

"You will train with me." She cocked her head to the side, but he kept his vision directed elsewhere. "Bhihtu has claimed Cahra as his mate and will not leave her side. I have no partner, and you will need to refine your skills since you have been away for several days. I am familiar with your abilities, I know your limits, and I am the only one patient enough to teach you in a way that you understand. I simply require a punching bag."

Dahdtoudi's eyes narrowed as she transferred her weight from one foot to the other. "So you're jealous because your friend ditched you for a female, and you're wanting to take out your frustration on me?"


At least he had the decency to be honest. She followed his gaze now, her shielded grey eyes landing on the sight of Cahra and Bhihtu sparring in such a way that it was less fighting and more flirtatious fondling, and she cringed while feigning retching sounds. "Paya, that's disgusting." T'ahrou growled in agreement. "I'm sure I would be upset if I were in your position. Very well, I will fight you, then we will be even?"

"No, but it is a start."

The next three hours were spent in constant motion, and Dahdtoudi was soaked in sweat as she struck at her larger opponent who in turn lunged at her. T'ahrou had never been this aggressive when they'd trained together in the past, and she reasoned it was due to the frustration at Bhihtu coupled with the scrutinization that he'd received from the Council of Ancients. Part of it may have also been the fact that she simply had fallen out of the routine of combat since it had been nearly two weeks since her last training session.

Her muscles were screaming at the stressful workout and her lungs felt as though they were burning inside her chest. Between the pneumonia and the fact that she was simply out of shape, Dahdtoudi had to admit that the worst part of this training session was definitely the attempted respiratory function.

T'ahrou could hear the gurgled wheezing in her labored breaths, despite her attempt to control her breathing. When it got to be too bad, they would stop what they were doing to change weapons and Dahdtoudi would walk with her back to her training partner, head tilted back, chest bowed out, and hands on her hips as her nails pressed firmly against her skin. He took his time in changing out his weapons, discreetly giving her a chance to rest. Although he felt somewhat guilty for taking out his anger on the tiny human, she needed to push herself to be ready for tomorrow, and thus be able to survive the day after. But she was struggling. T'ahrou could hear the crackling/bubbling sounds in her chest as she fought to control her body.

"Dahdtoudi," She hummed in response but did not turn to look at him, likely not wanting to appear more weak than she already did, "how about we take a break?" She turned to look at him now, surprise undoubtedly crossing her masked face. "I'm pretty worn out. I could use a drink. Let's go sit down." She seemed to consider this for a moment before finally nodding and stepping toward her partner, trying to force her movements to appear more natural but failing horribly.

"Yeah, yeah I guess we can do that...I've been giving you a pretty good beating...don't want to hurt you too bad." T'ahrou wouldn't deny that; despite her condition she had been fighting with all of her ability the entire time. She never slacked off no matter how much her body protested. A few times he had even knocked her feet out from under her simply so she would be able to be on the ground and rest for a few seconds, but she had only been enraged and jumped back up to strike at him even harder than before.

As they made their way to the bleachers, they noticed that other groups were beginning to splinter off as well. It was nearly time for dismissal and everyone was beginning to wind down from their matches. T'ahrou took a large metal thermos from his side and poured some of the liquid into the cap before handing it to Dahdtoudi who gratefully accepted it before taking off her bio-mask. He was shocked to see that her face was a deep shade of red, particularly around her cheeks, and beads of sweat were trailing along her skin like small waterfalls.

The water was cold and crisp against her throat and she sighed when she'd finished she drink. Without asking, T'ahrou took the cap from her and refilled it before handing it back. She drank half this time, pouring the rest over the back of her neck and along the back of her shoulders. She then used her hand to wipe some of the cool liquid from the back of her neck around to the front, causing several droplets to trickle down over her chest. Goosebumps began to rise throughout her body, and T'ahrou turned his focus to Bhihtu who was walking closely alongside Cahra to the far end of the bleachers.

"I'll take this one." T'ahrou turned and looked down at the female with the severely reddened and sweaty face. "Ochei pissed me off and you took him out. Bhihtu is pissing you off...I'll take him out. It's the least I can do. Besides, I'm not sure how much longer I can deal with their revolting displays of affection." Almost as if on cue, the two Yautja leaned close to one another and rubbed their tusks together, earning a disgusted sound from both Dahdtoudi and T'ahrou alike. "You know what, I can't live knowing I'm in the same room as them while they do this. Just get mad and put me out of my misery."

"No. If I have to suffer then so do you." Dahdtoudi voiced another retching sound and T'ahrou let out a hearty, booming laugh. It was true, he wouldn't be able to sit through this torture alone...her survival had been mutually beneficial.

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