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"Jisung, hurry up! We're gonna be late for dance practice!" Minho panted. He glanced behind to see Jisung running a few feet behind him. They had both taken much too long to wake up, leaving them little time to get ready. They needed to run much faster in order to reach the dance practice room on time. Minho could already hear Chan's voice in his ear, scolding the both of them for their tardiness. He made a mental note not to stay up so late on Sunday nights anymore...

They somehow managed to get there just before the practice started, which was good since Chan was already giving them looks of irritation...
Minho and Jisung had to make up for it by putting their best effort into dance practice to soothe their leader. Because they were focusing so hard, time passed by quickly and they were finished before they knew it.

"Good work, everyone! Especially Minho and Jisung!" Chan said with a satisfied look on his face. Minho turned to give Jisung a pat on the back, but Jisung seemed slightly startled by his action, as if he didn't hear what Bang Chan had said. 'Jisung seems a little spaced out today' Minho thought to himself. 'I wonder what's on his mind.'

However, they were both interrupted when Chan suddenly exclaimed that he would be treating everyone dinner for their hard work. Minho shook off his thoughts and followed the others out the door. Seungmin called Minho's name. "Minho, can I talk to you?" Minho turned to face his other group mate. "Don't you think Jisung is out of sorts today? He's been rather quiet today; he's usually very chatty." Seungmin said in a soft voice, only for Minho to hear. Come to think of it, Jisung did seem very introverted today. Minho decided to ask him in private later.

Author's Note
Sorry if this chapter doesn't go into the main plot of the story yet, as I'm setting up the environment in which the story takes place. I hope you don't mind! I really want this to be of good quality. :D

Monday • 20/01/20

(Discontinued) I'll be there for you | MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now