
180 13 1

Warning: Jisung attempts to overdose in this chapter! Read at your discretion!

"Let's go to our usual place!" Chan exclaimed. The leader of the group had decided to treat everyone to dinner after a successful dance practice session.

Minho silently moved to the back of the group to observe Jisung as he walked. There was an unsettling air around him as if something wasn't right. 'Strange...' Minho thought as he shuffled his feet along. Jisung usually radiated energy and was the most chatty, however today he hadn't spoken a single word.

Jisung suddenly noticed Minho's gaze and sped up his pace in an attempt to blend in with the rest.

When they arrived at their favourite restaurant, they sat down at the table and were greeted by the lady owner. "How nice of you to stop by today! I have just finished preparing the ingredients and you have the honour of being my first customers for the evening!" she said with a grin. "Will you go with your usual?"

"Sure! Thanks Mrs Lee!" Chan replied with the same cheerfulness. Meanwhile, Minho had made sure to sit opposite Jisung in an attempt to investigate further. He could see Jisung fidgeting with his hands, seeming more lost than ever. Something had to be bothering, but what could it be?

When the food arrived, Minho could also see Jisung mindlessly picking at his food. After a short while he excused himself to the restroom. Minho brought up his unusual behavior to Changbin. "He's probably just tired" Changbin replied carelessly, while wolfing down his second bowl of rice.

However, Jisung did not return after quite some time had passed. Minho stood up and rushed to the restroom. He was worried. What could Jisung be doing in there?  "Jisung? Are you ok?" Minho called out. No reply was heard. Minho panicked. He searched the cubicals one by one and found the door that was locked. Minho wasted no time. He climbed up through the cubical beside that one and looked over the divider wall. Jisung was sitting passed out on the toilet seat, with a... bottle of pills in one hand?? What was happening? Minho climbed into Jisung's cubical and unlocked the door from inside, then running back out to alert the others.

Author's Note
I hope this adds a decent amount of drama into the story! I have a rough idea of what is to happen further down the road so I will try my best to type it out for others to read :D

Monday • 27/01/20

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