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"Jisung!" screamed the members as they ran into the restroom. The group was frantic when they heard about Jisung being passed out in the toilet of the restaurant they were so happily eating their dinner a few moments ago. Chan hurriedly carried Jisung out of there, back to the table where they were sitting, and Minho whipped out his phone to dial 119. Meanwhile, Chan heaved a sigh of relief to find Jisung still breathing. It was a tense moment as the dispatcher gave instructions to wait for the paramedics to arrive...

Four Hours Later

Jisung woke up to the sound of murmurs around him, and the sound of shuffling footsteps. Where was he? His memory of the past few hours was fuzzy, all he remembered was leaving dance practice for dinner with the others...

"Jisung! You're awake! You scared us back there!" a worried Chan shouted from across the room. Jisung opened his eyes to see everyone looking at him. He found himself sitting on a bed, in what seemed to be a hospital ward. "Wait, how did I get here? Did I pass out?" Jisung asked, clearly confused. "You tried to overdose on sleeping pills!" cried Chan. It was then that Jisung realised their leader had tears in his eyes. Jisung's eyes widened at the thought as he finally remembered what he had done. Now the others had found out, and there was no way to run from it. Jisung started to tear up, eventually sobbing uncontrollably. "I'm sorry guys! I didn't know what I was doing!"

"Hey, now we know that something's up, care to tell us why you did what you did?" Minho replied in earnest. However, Jisung was not in the mood to share anything right now so he asked them to stay away from him and let him calm down. They agreed to do so, provided that he be under close supervision.

Once Jisung was finally left alone, he started to reflect on his actions. Suddenly his mind was again flooded with her voice. "I'm coming for your friends next, Jisung..."

Author's Note

Ooh the story is getting interesting now. Who can "she" be? Keep reading for more! I'll try my best to write the next chapter as soon as I can! :D And thanks for all the support up until now! I really appreciate it.

Thursday • 30/01/20

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