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Author's Note:
You may feel uncomfortable if you are sensitive to bodily harm, read at your own discretion!

It had been a week since Jisung had broken up with his abusive girlfriend and he was slowly starting to get better. Minho made sure to take care of him and accompanied him for as long as he could, keeping an eye out for Yerim.

However, Minho had to leave Jisung on his own sometimes, when they had to go to different classrooms for a few lessons.

That was when Yerim managed to strike. Minho was walking back to their main class when he saw Yerim strutting triumphantly down the corridor with her gang of girls following her. Yerim smirked at Minho as she passed by, leaving Minho with an uneasy feeling. Watching Yerim go, he quickened his pace, clutching his books tightly.

Jisung wasn't in the classroom when Minho arrived, and Minho panicked. He looked around to find Jisung's table, seeing his schoolbag still in its place. Without wasting another moment, Minho dashed out of the classroom to find Jisung.

He decided to check the place where it all started, and an ominous feeling of deja Vu swept over Minho as he was once again guided by the sound of Jisung's sobbing. Minho found Jisung crouching pathetically in the corner, weeping his eyes out in the dim room. Minho noticed that Jisung's hands were scratched, but when he looked up to see Jisung's face, he got a shock. Jisung had severe bruises on his face, with his cheeks swollen, and his hair a mess. Jisung's neck was lined with red marks, which appeared to be of hands squeezing too tightly.

Minho couldn't believe Yerim could do such a thing, ganging up on Jisung and beating him up. Minho fumed silently as he pulled himself together, and cautiously pushed the hair out of Jisung's face. Minho gently patted Jisung on the back, in an attempt to comfort him, while asking him if he was able to stand up. Jisung nodded through his sobs and Minho made him get up on his feet and supported him to the door, while comforting him the whole time.

Minho gently guided the crying boy to the nurse's office. When the nurse saw Jisung, she hurried to treat his injuries. She asked Minho what has happened and Minho found it hard to contain his emotions, leaving it as Jisung getting "beat up by someone". The nurse looked on worriedly as she continued giving Jisung medical aid. The nurse said that Minho could go back to class, but he did not want to leave Jisung again. He had failed him once already......

Author's Note
Oops, sorry for not updating in a while, my test period just ended so I can continue once again!

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