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The Next Day

"Excuse me Mrs Han, is Jisung at home?" Minho inquired. Jisung hadn't come to school today and Minho was concerned. He knew Jisung must have been badly affected by what had happened barely 24 hours ago.

"Yes! Minho, do you know what's up with him? He's been emotional all day, locking himself in his room and not wanting to tell me what's troubling him so much!" Jisung's mother replied, with worry in her voice.

Minho processed the thought for a while and decided he would see Jisung first. He was let in and shown to Jisung's door. Minho knocked cautiously and a faint grumble could be heard. "Jisung? It's Minho, I came to check on you since you were absent today. Is it ok if I come in?"

Another grumble could be heard, and Minho took it as a yes so he slowly pryed open the door, revealing a very disheveled Jisung lying on the floor. Minho closed the door behind him and sat next to Jisung. Jisung continued to stare at the ceiling while Minho thought of what to say next.

"Jisung I'm here if you need my help ok? Just drop me a text anytime, I'll be free. But I need you to tell me more about your relationship with Yerim so I can figure out how to help you."

Jisung stayed silent for a moment before mumbling back,"I don't want to see Yerim ever again... I'm... scared of her. She keeps hurting me over and over again..." Jisung lifted up his shirt to reveal a deeply bruised abdomen, with some nasty looking scars. Minho's eyes widened in shock upon realising the abuse that Yerim had inflicted on his friend and felt rage rise in him.

"How could she.....I will find her myself!" Minho scoffed. However, Jisung suddenly sat upright and grabbed Minho's arm, tugging furiously. "No! Please don't! I don't want to anger her again! She will really kill me!" Jisung wept as fresh tears filled his eyes. Minho lost it when he saw how pathetic Yerim had made Jisung and started to cry too. "No, Jisung! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to upset you further! Please don't cry anymore, it's not your fault, it's mine!"

Just then Mrs Han opened the door, startling at the sight of the two crying boys. Mrs Han grabbed a box of tissues for them and sat down, trying to console them. "Boys! Please, I beg you to tell me what is going on." Mrs Han gently pleaded.

Minho and Jisung managed to stop crying and after drying their tears, they explained the situation in detail.

"You had better stay away from girls like that Jisung! I knew something wasn't right the moment you started seeing Yerim! Promise me you'll take care of yourself!" Jisung's mom chided. "Minho, can you do me a favour and keep an eye out for my son? I would really be thankful."

Minho agreed as he felt a need to protect his schoolmate and got ready to leave the house.

Author's Note

The chapters in Part 2 will be in the timeline of the past, as we progress further into the story, and understanding how Yerim comes back to try and hurt Jisung again. Stay tuned for updates to the story! :D
Ps: Happy Early Valentine's to everyone! I hope you find someone special! If not then you need to remember to love yourself too! #selfcare

~ mypetsquirrelhan
Thursday • 13/02/20

(Discontinued) I'll be there for you | MinsungWhere stories live. Discover now