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Daniel's eyes widened at the words Corbyn had just spoke. Corbyn had a smug smile on his face.

"I don't think I can do that," Daniel quickly said, averting his gaze to the door Zach had walked through.

"Well then, have fun trying to get good grades," Corbyn shrugged and stood up. Daniel looked at him.

"Okay fine!" Daniel said, immediately regretting his decision. Daniel didn't even know why Corbyn suddenly liked Zach. It was confusing him. Corbyn smirked at him.

"Alright. See you tommorow, Seavey," Corbyn walked through the door, leaving a still shocked Daniel behind. Daniel knew this was a horrible decision, but when he heard what Corbyn had said. He suddenly didn't think straight. So gave in.

Daniel quickly gathered his stuff, shoving them in his book bag. He almost ran through the door, seeing Zach who was waiting on him.

"How was it?" Zach asked, softly smiling at Daniel.

"It was okay," Daniel lied, he absolutely hated it. But he didn't really want to tell Zach he didn't like it. Because Zach would ask him what happend. Daniel would have to explain. Including the deal.

"Corbyn Besson, huh? I've heard he is trouble," Zach said. Looking in front of him, seeing if they were almost at the auditorium, where they had choir.

"Yeah. He isn't that bad," another lie Daniel had told. But if he would talk crap on Corbyn, he knew for sure that Zach wouldn't even consider talking to him if he knew Corbyn was a asshole.

"Oh, I've heard bad rumours though. So be careful," they had arrived at the auditorium. Daniel nodded and opened the gaint doors. There were already some students there.

Corbyn told the password to the painting, who opened itself to reveal the ravenclaw homeroom. Some students were studying, and others were just enjoying each others companies.

"Corbone! How was tutoring," Eben greeted Corbyn, giving him a bro hug. Corbyn chuckled. Eben has been a good friend of Corbyn since they met at the sorting ceremony. Eben also plays Quidditch.

"The Seavey kid is gonna be a pain in the ass. He doesn't know shit," Corbyn chuckled, smilling to Christina. Who was standing next to Eben.

"Leave the kid alone Bean," she smiled a little. Christina obviously doesn't like it when Corbyn talks shit about Daniel, or other students.

"I'll think about it," Corbyn chuckled. They sat down around a table.

"Tell us about everything," Eben said. Eben had a curious nature, so obviously he wanted to know what happend.

"Nothing special. I came in, explained him how it goes, he did his job, but he was bothering me," that was Corbyn's perspective of the view. Corbyn always thought hufflepuffs were bothering him. Even just by being besides him.

"That's it? Nothing special?" Christina raised a eyebrow. She didn't expect Corbyn's awnser.

"Well, I saw a cutie," Corbyn smirked. Eben chuckled a little.

"Which girl or boy catches your eye this time?" Corbyn was also known to play people, only because when he liked someone, he ended up losing feelings. That's why he had never had a healthy relationship.

"It's this smaller brunette, his name is Zach," Corbyn smirked a little. Eben and Christina look at each other.

"Zach? As in Zach Herron?" Eben looked at Corbyn again. Corbyn furrowed his eyebrows.

"I think so, yeah. Why?" Corbyn didn't know Eben knew the younger. But Eben always seems to be full of surprises.

"I thought you didn't like hufflepuffs?" Christina said. Now Corbyn thought about it, he actually never really saw the yellow tie that was around Zach's neck.

"Well, for him I'll change," Corbyn shrugs his shoulders. Making christina roll her eyes.

"I won't get your Hope's up if I were you. He doesn't seem gay at all. Besides, he doesn't fall for students with a bad reputation. He's a goody two shoes," Eben says. Corbyn got annoyed at his words.

I don't have that bad of a reputation, Corbyn thought to himself. And I'm sure I'll make sure the boy falls head over heels for me. Because I have his little bestie to help me.

"You what?" Christina's eyes widen. Corbyn mumbled something under the lines of 'fuck'. He had spoken out loud.

"What do you mean, Corbyn?" Eben asked. Corbyn actually wasn't planning on telling them about the deal they made.

"Speak up," Christina almost demanded to Corbyn. Corbyn thought, but hesitantly awnsered.

"Fine. I made a deal with Daniel. I'll seriously consider helping him get good grades, and he'll get his best friend Zach to like me," Corbyn shrugs. For him it wasn't a big deal. But apparently for Christina it was.

"You can't force someone to like you!" Christina whisper yelled.

"I know, but he is just helping me talk to him. I'll do the rest," Corbyn frowns a little at Christina.

"I don't know how I'll ever get you to change your mind," Eben told Corbyn. "But this isn't right."

"I don't care. I'm not forcing anything on him," Corbyn was getting a little angry. He didn't realise his friends were trying to get him out of trouble.

"Do you even know Zach? He's a innocent person. And you're," Eben didn't want to sound rude. "And you're you."

"I'm going to bed," Corbyn rolls his eyes at his friends and walks up the stairs to his room. He didn't know Zach that much, so he might do some questioning to Daniel tommorow. Or atleast, that's what he wants.

Daniel was zoning out the whole time they were at choir. And Zach realised that. He kept asking him if he was okay. But Daniel just replied with 'yes, I'm okay'.

But in reality, he was frustrated about the whole thing, Corbyn, the deal, everything really.

Daniel was thinking of many ways to make Zach and Corbyn 'fall in love', but not one had made the cut. Daniel didn't want to get Zach hurt. So he wanted the nicest thing possible.

Once Daniel sees a hand wave in front of his face, he snaps back in to reality. Seeing Zach in front of him.

Choir had ended, everyone was leaving the auditorium. And Daniel hadn't even noticed.

"What's up with you? You haven't been focusing at all?" Zach asked worriedly.

"Nothing. I've just been stressing," Daniel stood up, grabbing his stuff.

"If you say so.." Zach also grabbed his stuff. They stood up and walked out of the auditorium. There was this comfortable silence. They were both tired, so they were to lazy to talk.

Words: 1090

What do you think is a good way to make Corbyn and Zach conquer each other? (Might put your suggestion in the story!)

𝘡𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘺 𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘯

𝘡𝘢𝘤𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘺                                        𝘏𝘦𝘳𝘳𝘰𝘯

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