Issue Five: Killer Croc from Beneath the Surface

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3rd POV
Team JPNR open the sewers, they all cringe from the smell. Nora push Jaune in, before jumping in, then Pyrrha, and Ren. Jaune yells as he fell to the sewer floor. Face hit first into the brown and stinky puddle. Jaune gets up, before wiping it off of his face, before throwing up.

Pyrrha pat Jaune's back, while Nora is on top of Ren. After that shenanigan, they adventure deeper into the sewers, where they saw an opening, where it look like a boss arena in a video game. Large pipes is above them, pouring the waters down into a pit below, only way to adventure was to go around. Suddenly, it jumps down and hisses at them.

???: Get away from here! Or I'll eat yourrr corpse!

He turn around, before exiting through an entry way. Team JPNR quickly follows it, as it swims into a large body of water. Wooden boards was laying on top to adventure through. (Like Arkham Asylum)

Jaune: I-I think it is best if we leave.

Jaune turns around, Pyrrha, without looking, grab his hood.

Pyrrha: We're not leaving until we complete our mission.

Nora, being herself, pulls out her hammer and jump, landing on the wooden board.

Nora: Let's break the teeth!

She yells, before running on the boards, Ren sighs and starts to run after her. Nora got stop, mid-run by it jumping up, breaking the board. Nora jump above it, slamming her hammer down on the back of it's neck. It growls in pain, Ren shoot the abdomen of the beast.

???: You have a death wish!

It slam its claws into the board, destroying it and it sinks into the water. Nora jumps next to Ren, Jaune is shakingly holding his sword and looking into the waters.


They all look to see it coming out, running towards them, Pyrrha throws her shield at it's neck. It kept on running, Nora use her hammer to launch herself toward the Creature.

Jaune: Nora, stun it! Ren, uhh, hit its abdomen, Pyrrha... hit its face.

She maneuver enough to hit it, before Ren run up to it and land on its abdomen, Pyrrha jump up, kicking it's face and it runs away.

???: Leave me alone! I want to be alone!

Team JPNR chases after it, but Ren slows down. The rest stop and look at him.

Jaune: What's wrong?

Ren: Could we try reason with him.

He walks after them, they look each other before following Ren's advice. They heard the echoes of the roaring beast, they follow the echoes to a small area. With an old, ripped up mattress and broken superhero action figures.

???: They all just going to make a mockery out of me! Leave.... now!

They look to see it sitting behind broken bars. Jaune and his team turn around to talk to each other.

Jaune: I don't know, I think we should leave him alone.

Pyrrha: We'll just tell Ozpin that we lost him.

Ren: There has to be another way, if he doesn't hurt anyone, then we will leave him alone.

???: I can hear you, I said for you all to leave!

Pyrrha: We will leave you alone, if you stop killing anyone who's coming down here.

???: Leave...

Team JPNR went to leave the sewers, it looks at the mattress, before going on it and rest.

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