Issue Six: Monster I (Short Chapter)

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Killer Croc is roaming around the sewers, dragging a dead body, it was small. He is contemplating, he then drop the body and enter a hole on the wall.

On the surface, Team JPNR was at Beacon in Ozpin's office.

Ozpin: So, he is still in the sewers?

Jaune: U-Uhh... yes.

Ozpin: I'll have fully trained team down there.

Pyrrha: But, isn't it best if we leave him alone?

Ozpin: Bad decision, he'll just kill whatever enters the sewers. I am doing it for him and the safety of the people.

Jaune: Not to be mean, but... he does seem to have a hard life.

Ozpin sighs, before putting his cane to aside.

Ozpin: I understand that. But no actions is justified for whatever crime he did between now and the time he became what he is now, people who got treated like him has become good people, but some were unfortunate to turn into crime. I am trying to help him, by my methods, I understand my methods are to be consider "torture", but it may be the only answer. There may be other methods, but we'll try to go down the list of my methods.

Pyrrha: What is your next method?

Ozpin: By making him talk to a fauna that is bullied for being a faunus. Now, go, I'll need to get him back.

Team JPNR turn to leave the office, the camera pans downward to the sewers, seeing a lost White Fang member limping to escape whatever is trying to capture him. As he did, he noticed various scratch marks on the walls. Then, a lightning appear to his left, he went to investigate the lightning, what he find shocks him. He has discover a society, full of faunus with monstrous features. Like a spider fauna with eight eyes, or a bird faunus with a beak. They all were looked after by "King Croc", how can he tell? By the writings on the walls...

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