Chapter Two, Issue Two: Lab Lullaby (Origins)

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Lambert AI: The once, Great Lambert the First, he was a war hero. Destined to be the face of Remnant, destined to be one of the greatest individuals that ever lived. Tragically, he died due to natural causes, however his son. Lambert Regime, the Second will live on and make the Regime's Legacy even greater. He conduct experiments that no one could, later, he sought out ideals that were too ambitious for many, but not to him. These ideals what made him great.... his prized ideal is to control the Grimm, these Grimm were nothing but his obstacle to his immortality. 

Y/n look at the screen, where it shows an AI, it shows Lambert Regime conducting experiments.

Lambert AI: Yes, immortality, where the Gods themselves couldn't succeed. H-allity-.... Gods were unfavorable-....I see within-subjects...

The AI went offline, as he look around. Seeing empty rooms, filled with papers, tools, and more. He came across many rooms, inside were beds, toilet, and a sink. These were the "Test Subject" was being kept at, the AI above the doorframe turns on.

Lambert AI: These Test Subjects was given, they had no home, no safe haven. But Lambert Regime given them a home, in return, they forfeit their rights as people. They were born as people, died as things. No one knew about them, no one loved them. With no one to love, you are a thing, amongst the people, with no one knowing of your existence. Your death isn't great, these people enjoyed living under Regime's Lab. With that, many death was caused under misleading instructions, their faults, escaping, and more. Tell me, oh intruders, if the people around you don't acknowledge of your existence, don't care and love for you. Is life worth living? No, it isn't.

The AI went offline. He open one of the cells, the lights came on, as children's drawings is all over the walls. Depicting that the child wanted is to see the sun, she wanted to see the surface,  wanting to experience the outdoors that the parents describe them. One drawing depicted that she escapes, but after that, it is unknown. He walk out of the room, had enough of what he saw, he return back to the hole and left the lab....

Team JNPR spent an hour looking for the branch, before they found it, the ground start to shake as it tear itself apart, revealing the steps down to the lab. They look at each other, before they went down, near the entrance. Many Televisions turned on, revealing a man's face.

Lambert AI: Your presence here gives off that you aren't really a faunus.... I am Lambert Regime's Artificial Intelligence, a copy conscience of the original. You are Huntsmen and Huntresses, you are entering Regime's Lab, where many wonderful experiments was held and along with inventions. Please, enter at your own risk...

The doors open, as lights was turned on. They see glass, inside were dark rooms with lab equipment, with papers everywhere within. They saw a corridor with tubes inside of a glass case, nothing was inside the tubes. The eeriness and how quiet it was, set them off, not to mention that the rooms was so dark inside, if a man was standing inside, they wouldn't know. They look around, entering one room at a time, which lights came on when they got inside. A giant piece of metal was set on top of a desk, they grabbed it, as the television above them turned on. But this time, there was static and making the face almost recognizable, but it was almost scary to watch. The voice distorts, almost as if someone... or something was messing with the AI. 

Lambert AI: This bomb contain a special chemical that kill any Grimm within a four hundred square foot radius. I suggest you put it back, as it does have negative drawbacks to the living standing so close to it... This bomb contain a sp-sp-ECIAL chemical that kill-ki-ki-kkk-k- within a four hundred sq-square-

The Television turns off, this set them off, hearts was racing, sweat was slowly starting to form from fear. It came on again, as the face was barely recognizable now, as the static was now overlapping with the speech.

Lambert AI: The------Rights followed among---We will prevail, -ongst-amongst to the humanity-ity-humanity const-struct with the--the-he-ee-e-e living... These sub-sub---ects will prevail! The---------White Fang----I----Tomorrow-----end------world-------Goodbye.

It turns itself off, they look each other with worried faces. They discuss what he was talking about, was it that humanity itself will die? Or was it, something much more darker....

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