"Life Imitates Art" ; Luke Hemmings

80 3 0

Word count: 1720 words
Dedicated to: No one in particular
Warnings: No
I looked at the blank canvas in front of me, the white overtaking my ability to think.

I looked down at the colours I had previously put down on a paint palette.  Brown, black, crimson, a bit of yellow... They all seemed to fade away in my head.

I then turned my attention towards the numerous paintings on a wall of my art room. The ideas for these ones seemed to come so naturally. A bird, a fruit bowl, a cat... But this blank one was just difficult.

I then looked outside my window. The only thing I could see was the forest in the backyard, just trees lined up next to one another for miles.

I decided it was the only source of inspiration I had for this painting.

I mixed some dark green paint with some brown paint and some black paint. I took my paintbrush and started painting trees. Just trees. Some big ones, some shorter ones... Until they filled up the whole canvas.

It looked like a mess, an artsy and abstract mess. It looked kind of good, but it looked tacky, like a three-year-old drew big scribbles on the canvas.

I sighed and looked at my palette. My attention went to the splatter of yellow paint. I looked back and my painting, then back down to the yellow.

I thought "Whatever," and put some of the yellow paint on a smaller brush.

I started painting some eyes, wolf eyes, staring right at the person looking at the canvas. They were right in the middle of the canvas and they looked ferocious.

It gave me chills.

Done, I looked outside. It was already getting dark, so I took off my apron, hung it on its hook and left the paint room.

I walked to my bedroom and grabbed the necessary things to take a shower.

I walked in my bathroom and turned on the warm water. I decided to take a bath, since I wanted to feel relaxed.

After the bath, about an hour later, I put my pyjamas on and started walking towards the kitchen to grab myself a snack before bed.

I passed my paint room and discreetly glanced at the window. What I saw made my heart drop to my stomach.

I stopped dead in my tracks. What I saw were eyes. Big, yellow, wolf-like eyes, staring me down through the window.

I feared going back to see properly, but I did it anyways.

Upon going back the the paint room to see outside the window, the eyes were gone.

I thought nothing of it, maybe I just looked at my painting by accident and mistook it to be the window. Or was it my imagination playing tricks on my?

Nevertheless, I walked to the kitchen and made myself some popcorn.

As I made my way back to my bedroom, I heard a large bang coming from, I believe, outside my house.

My heart stopped, but all the doors were locked and I had nothing to fear, so I stayed calm, at first.

But then, I got a little paranoid. What if the doors weren't locked? What if I was in danger?

I set my bowl down on the dining table and walked to the front door. I turned on the light and saw nothing. I also made sure the door was locked.

Then I walked to the backdoor and turned on the light. To my surprise, there was something on the porch.

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