In the night - Calum Hood request for lcstat

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Hey! I'm back! Today's chapter was requested by @lcstat! Enjoy your chapter, Ella! 

Now, I know this chapter is dedicated to Ella, but like I said in previous chapters, feel free to read it! Enjoy! 

Word count: 2997 words

Dedicated to: lcstat or Ella (and anyone else who wants to read the chapter)

Warnings: SMUT! Also, some bad language both in the chapter and the song. You've been warned!


"Ella, hurry! We're gonna be late for the party!" my friend said as we were getting ready.

I sighed and looked at her. She had already put her makeup on and had done her hair; she only needed to change. I, on the other hand, had only done my makeup.

"It's a college party; it's gonna go on forever! There's no way it's ending at only one in the morning," I replied.

"But it's our first party! We have to enjoy it for as long as we can!" she replied, putting her dress on.

"Fine, I'll hurry up. But don't rush me!" I said.

I changed into a party dress and looked in the mirror. I only put my hair down and decided to call it a look.

"Ella, come on!" she yelled from the front door of our dorm.

"Coming!" I yelled back, grabbing my purse and walking out of my room.

"Oh, you look gorgeous!" my friend said, eyeing me up and down.

I grinned and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm not trying to look super sexy for everyone to see," I replied, opening the door of our dorm.

"Well, I think you look sexy! I've never seen you wear something like this, is little girl next door Ella changing now that we're in college?" she asked sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and looked at her as we walked through the halls.

"It's just a party. I kinda wanted to fit in with all the other people there," I replied.

"Yeah, yeah, excuses, excuses! I wouldn't be surprised if you caught anyone's attention tonight," she then said.

"We'll see," I replied.

We walked through the halls and found the common room of the campus where the party was being held. We could hear the loud music from far away and we saw a few people already drunk walking around.

We walked in the common room, immediately being greeted by a guy serving shots at the entrance.

"Hey shots! Wanna take one?" my friend asked.

I shook my head and walked in the common room.

"Woah, what a party! Looks like everyone on campus decided to come," my friend said before taking her shot.

I looked around to see a bunch of people dancing, drinking, making out and acting crazy.

I then looked down, realizing that coming to this party was a mistake. My shy and antisocial self would've rather stayed at the dorm and studied instead.

"Come one, let's go get drinks!" my friend said, taking my arm.

She dragged me to the bar and ordered herself a drink.

"Ella, what do you want?" she asked me after ordering.

"Uhm, just water," I replied.

"Come on, take at least one drink! Something not too hard!" my friend said.

"I only want some water," I said.

She sighed and ordered my water.

The bartender quickly gave us our glasses, and we started sipping on them, looking around.

Then, the song playing changed, making my friend get excited.

"Oh, this is my song! Come on, we need to go dance!" she said, taking my hand.

I pulled my hand back and stayed put.

"I don't want to," I said.

"Well, hold my drink then!" she said, giving me her glass.

She then walked to the dancefloor and started dancing with the many strangers around her.

I grinned, looking at her. Sometimes, I wished I was more outgoing like her, to be able to go anywhere and not feel like you don't fit in with everyone else.

I felt some eyes on me and started looking around. My eyes landed on a stranger's eyes that looked at me.

I was taken aback and tried looking away, playing it cool. But, I looked back and realized he was staring at me.

I awkwardly smiled and looked down. My face was hot and most likely red from all the blushing I was doing.

I looked back at him to see him wink at me, smiling.

I smiled and tried playing it cool again, not really knowing what to do in these types of situations.

In the corner of my eye, I saw him get up and make his way towards me.

I closed my eyes, knowing that I made a mistake. I didn't wanna talk to anyone, let alone a guy that's interested in me.

"Hey there," I heard him say.

I opened my eyes and looked at him. His dark eyes were full of lust, but not drunk, which surprised me.

"Hey," I said.

"Saw you from over there and thought I needed to tell you that you look very pretty," he said.

I awkwardly smiled.

"Thank you," I then replied, moving my hands a bit, trying to subtly show him I wasn't here alone.

"You're a responsible drinker, drinking water with your alcoholic beverage. I like that," he then said, eyeing the two glasses.

I looked at them.

"Oh, actually..." I started but he cut me off.

"Do you wanna dance, Kitten?" he then asked me, extending his arm in front of me.

"Uhm, I have to find my friend, sorry," I said before walking away.

I walked closer to the dance floor and realized that she wasn't there.
I shook my head and looked around, expecting to find her somewhere in the common room, but she was nowhere to be found.

I sighed and sat at a nearby table, putting the drinks down and taking my phone out of my purse.

I unlocked it and opened my texts, seeing that she had texted me.

"Hey, found a guy. I'm leaving the party, see you tomorrow!"

I shook my head and locked my phone, finding it hard to believe she would actually do something like that.

I got up and started making my way out of the common room.

"Hey, you didn't even finish your drink," I heard behind me.

I stopped and turned around to find the guy from earlier.

"Uhm, yeah, my friend left, so I might as well leave too," I replied, wanting to get out of there.

"Oh, come on, the party hasn't even started yet! Don't you want to get loose and have some fun at your first college party?" he asked.

I sighed and thought as the music suddenly stopped, catching me off guard.

"Alright party people! Everyone that wants to play dirty truth or dare can make their way to the center of the common room," a guy yelled in the microphone.

Everyone cheered and made their way to the center of the room.

The guy grinned and raised an eyebrow at me, as if he was asking me if I wanted to go and play.

"Fine, but only one round," I replied.

"Alright, the kitten is becoming a tiger! I'm Calum, by the way," he said as we started walking.

"I'm Ella," I replied.

"Alright party people! I'm Ashton, your party planner and I'm gonna be asking you to tell the truth or I'll be daring you, sounds good?" a guy said.

Everyone cheered and sat on the sofa.

"Okay, why don't we start off with this gentleman over here," Ashton said, pointing at a random guy I didn't know."What's your name?"

"Elliott," the guy replied.

"Elliott, truth or dare?" Ashton asked him.

"Uhm, truth!" Elliott replied.

"Ooh, are you a virgin?" Ashton asked, making everyone excited.

"Of course not man! I boned a long time ago, man!" Elliott replied, making everyone laugh.

"Wow, the energy is here tonight! Next person!" Ashton said, looking around the circle of people. "Ah, this girl right here! What's your name?"

"Lilly," the girl replied.

"Alright Lilly, truth or dare?" Ashton asked her.

"Truth," she said.

"Alright, Lilly... Would you ever do a threeway?" Ashton asked her.

The girl swallowed and looked around, blushing.

"Sure," she then said, making everyone cheer.

"Wow, they never stop getting better!" Ashton said before looking around the circle of people again.

He then locked eyes with mine, making my heart skip a beat. He looked at Calum, who sat next to me, then back at me. He smirked and walked closer to us.

"Hey there, what's your name?" he asked me.

"Ella," I replied as confident as possible.

"Well, Ella, do you pick truth or do you pick dare?" he asked me, eyeing Calum and I.

"Truth?" I replied.

"Oop, you don't get to choose this time! You picked dare! My game, my rules!" Ashton said, making me mad. "I dare you to give Calum a lap dance.

I gasped and turned to Calum as the people around us "ooo'd".

"Ignore him. He's my roommate and he's an ass," Calum said to me.

"Come on, I can't do that!" I said to Ashton when the room settled down.

"Well, it's either you do it or you're considered a chicken for the rest of the game," Ashton said before making chicken noises.

Everyone else started making chicken noises as I thought.

"I'll do it," I then said, getting up.

Everyone cheered on me.

"Alright! DJ, turn up the music!" Ashton said before leaving the circle.

The Hills by The Weeknd started blaring through the speakers as I tried calming myself. I knew no one in the school, and I feared I'd get the reputation of the girl who gives lap dances.

I sighed and got a boost of energy. I was ready.

I straddled Calum, who stayed seated on the couch. The people around us started cheering as I bent my neck and started sucking on his neck.

"You don't need to do this," he whispered.

I stopped sucking and switched sides, rolling my eyes to show him I wanted to do it.

I started sucking the other side of his neck and grinded on him. I could feel his heart beat faster and faster as I left him a hickey.

I then got off of him and started twerking in front of him. I felt embarrassed at that moment. Shaking my butt in front of a stranger felt weird.

I sensually danced in front of him for a while before the song ended.

As it ended, I sat on the sofa and held my face in my hands, embarrassed.

"Yes! That was so good! Ella, you will not be treated like a chicken after all! Good job!" Ashton said as everyone cheered.

He then turned his attention towards another guy in the circle.

Everyone was looking at the guy, so I decided it was the perfect moment for me to escape without being seen.

I got up, crouched and quickly made my way out of the common room.

"Hey! Wait up!" Calum said behind me, trying to catch up to me.

"I'm so embarrassed, Calum! I had to leave," I explained to him as we walked through the halls.
"I am too! I didn't expect him to do something like that!" he replied.

I sighed as we made our way towards the dorms. We got to my dorm and stopped.

"Look, thanks for the game. I'm sorry it had to end this way," I said.

"It's fine, forget it," he replied.

I turned the doorknob, soon realizing that it was locked.

"Ah man, she locked it!" I said.

"Don't you have a key?" Calum asked.

"No, my roommate had the key, but she left me for some guy. I bet she's in there right now, doing God knows what with him," I replied.

"Well, you can crash at my dorm. There's no problem there," he said.

I sighed.

"That would be great, thank you," I replied.

We walked to his dorm and walked in it.

"I'll lend you some pajamas for you to wear, and you can take my room, I'll crash on the couch," he said to me.

"Wait, seriously? We can share the bed. I don't mind," I said.

"Yeah, maybe not...," he said.

"Why not?" I asked.

He led me to his room and turned the lights on.

"I have a single bed," he replied.

I nodded and walked in the room.

"I'll let you change," he said before closing the door.

I changed into his pajamas and walked out of the room.

Calum was setting up his sheets on the couch and looked at me.

"Wow, those look good on you, Kitten!" he exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"I'm going to bed, see you tomorrow," I said.

"Wait, before you go, there's something I want to show you something," he said, walking closer to me.

He showed me his phone. There was a video playing of me at the party. It was my lap dance.

I sighed and pushed the phone away.

"I guess I'm famous for all the wrong reasons now," I replied.

"Don't feel bad. Those people who took the video are assholes. You don't deserve this. We'll figure something out," he replied.

I nodded and looked down.

"Can I have a hug before you sleep?" he asked, a small grin on his lips.

I grinned and wrapped my arms around him.

"Goodnight," he said.

"Goodnight," I replied before walking back to the room.

I turned the lights off and climbed in the bed. I got under the covers and laid down.

I had trouble falling asleep. I tossed and turned, eventually realizing that I couldn't sleep.

I sat up and sighed, frustrated that I couldn't fall asleep.

I got up and walked to the door, opening it.

I saw Calum laying on the couch, looking at his phone.

"Hey," I said, walking towards him.

He put his phone down and looked at me through the slight darkness of the living room.

"Let me guess; you can't sleep," he said.

"Bingo," I replied, sitting next to him.

"What's on your mind?" he asked.

I shrugged.
"I don't know, the video, the lap dance... This whole night in general," I said.

He hummed and nodded his head.

"You know, you shouldn't be too embarrassed about that. You were pretty good back there," he said.

"What?" I asked softly.

"That lap dance? So good, everyone should be jealous of me now," he said.

I could hear the smile in his voice, which made me grin.

I looked into his eyes, searching them to see if he was joking. But he wasn't.

Then, he slowly took my head in his hands and put his lips on mine. He kissed me gently and sensually, making my ovaries go crazy.

We pulled away for a second, looking at each other. We then started kissing each other, harder this time.

I didn't know what I was doing at that moment, but I knew he was a good kisser and that I wanted him.

The kiss deepened as his hands went down to my hips, pulling me onto him. I straddled his hips as he started kissing down my neck.

I closed my eyes, a feeling of euphoria filling my body. I had never done this with anyone before, and to think that someone actually wanted this with me felt surreal.

He then grabbed my body softly and laid me down on the couch, him on top of me.

I smiled shyly before kissing him again.

He kissed down my neck, whispering something in the process.

"Are you sure you want this?" he whispered.

I stayed silent, my eyes looking in the distance. I never did this before and was scared to disappoint him.

He got his head up and looked at me, searching my eyes.

"You're a virgin, aren't you," he said, softly rubbing circles on my sides with his thumbs.

I looked down.

"There's nothing wrong with that, Kitten. I'll go slow and treat you like a queen," he said, grinning.

I smiled and nodded.

"I'm removing your bottoms now, okay?" he asked.

I nodded.

He removed them to reveal my very naked bottom half.

I avoided his gaze, not wanting to see his reaction.

"Kitten, you look amazing, don't think that you're not," he then said, turning my chin towards him.

I smiled at his words. I never thought anyone would treat me this nicely for my first time.

"Okay," I softly said.

He grinned and pulled down his pajama bottoms to reveal his erected dick. I blushed at the sight of it.

"Are you ready?" he asked as he climbed onto me.

I nodded.

He pulled the sheets over us and slowly slid it in.

I gasped and grabbed the sheets around me. I loved the feeling, yet it hurt a little.

"Am I hurting you, Kitten?" he asked me.

"No, just a little tight," I replied.

He chuckled.

"Okay," he then said.

He slid deeper, making me moan softly. My eyes closed and my back arched, the peculiar feeling being in control of my body.

"Damn, you're so tight," he grunted.

"You can go faster," I said, my breathing getting faster.

He started thrusting faster and deeper into me, throwing me in a fit of moans.

"You're so pretty," he said, his hands roaming up and down my body.

I smiled and wrapped my arms around him.

"Calum, I..." I started but gasped, the feeling was too good.

"Say it, Kitten," he said.

"I feel something... In my stomach...," I said in between breaths.

"It's cum, Baby. Let it out, for me," he said.

He hit deeper and faster, making the feeling bigger.

Suddenly, a burst of ecstasy released from me, making me sigh in relief.

He sighed too, pulling out and collapsing on top of me, breathless.

"Wow," I said, looking at the ceiling. "If someone told me I would lose my virginity tonight, I wouldn't have believed them."

He chuckled and looked at me. He kissed my lips and laid his head on my chest.

I played with his hair, slowly getting more and more tired.

"Here, let's switch sides," he then said sleepily.

He flipped us over so that I laid on top of him.

"Go to sleep now Kitten," he said, making me fall in a deep sleep. 


Hey! Ella, I hope you liked the chapter! 

Today's song is The Hills by The Weeknd. Ella actually said that she was listening to this song as she came up with the idea, so why not add it to the story! Hope you liked it! 

Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be out on Monday! 

Bye! Love you! 


-Miliebird ❤️️

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