He's a vampire; Michael Clifford (His POV)

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Word count: 791 words
Dedicated to: No one in particular
Warnings: Stalking maybe? Nothing too serious though.



Observing her is something I've grown fond of doing. Over the months, I've been able to figure out her routine; getting up in the morning, eating a small breakfast, leaving for work, coming back hours later, eating her dinner, showering, then going to bed.

Living in this Duplex is a struggle for a vampire. Ever since she moved in next door, I've been attracted to her smell.

They say a person's smell is what makes you fall crazy in love with them. We actually have this birthmark that matches with our mate's birthmark. Mine is a moon shaped birthmark on my neck.

But, for me, her smell was making me thirsty for her. I wasn't falling in love with her, just getting hungrier by the minute.

One night, I had to see who it was. I found a window and it happened to be her bedroom window.

I couldn't believe my eyes. It was just an innocent young woman. I had been hungry for someone my age.

Ever since that night, I have been stalking her, observing her every move from afar. Even though humans can't see vampires, I still kept my distance, because they can still hear us.

However, tonight, the urge was too big to resist. I had to feed. On her.

I thought long and hard about this. About the young life I was about to hurt. I didn't want to kill her, just feed on her. But when a vampire feeds on a human, they turn them into one.

With a lot of courage and regret, tonight was the night.

I walked up to her side of the Duplex. I stood in front of the door for a good ten minutes, debating if I should do it or not.

I took a deep breath and teleported inside her home. I had to make as less noise as possible.

I slowly made my way towards her bedroom. There she was, sleeping peacefully. I couldn't believe what I was about to do. Turning people into what I am is something I despise. No one deserves to live in this hell.

I slowly approached her sleeping body. She looked so peaceful and nice. She was so beautiful, her soft features made me shed a single tear.

Doing this was harder than anything. I'd be lying if I said I hadn't developed some feelings for her. She is nice, beautiful, caring.

But it had to be done.

I put on a determined face and walked up to her.

I leaned down and closed my eyes, another tear falling. I opened my mouth, letting my fangs come out.

Suddenly, I heard her gasp and squirm under me.

I leaned back and looked at her. She was looking right into my eyes.

"What are you doing in my house?" she said, covering herself with the blanket.

I furrowed my eyebrows.

"You can see me?" I said.

"Yes," she replied, confused. "Am I not supposed to see you?"

I stammered and ran my hand through my hair. I looked around, trying to figure out what I did wrong.

"No, you're not actually," I replied.

"How? Why?" she asked, loosening up a bit.

"I could ask you the same question," I said, getting a little closer.

She looked at me blankly. I sighed and decided to talk.

"Look, I'm your next door neighbour, Michael and I'm not... normal," I slowly trailed off.

She seemed to put pieces together in her head.

"I'm a vampire," I simply blurted out.

It was her turn to stammer.

"I can't believe it," she said. She kept looking around to land her eyes on my moon birthmark.

Her breath seemed to hitch. I confusingly looked at it myself.

"What's going on?" I asked, looking back up.

She then showed me her forearm, which had the same birthmark.

My eyes glowed as I looked into hers.

"You're one too," I said.

She swallowed and nodded.

"And we're mates apparently," I continued.

She grinned and looked down.

"Look, I was about to turn you into a vampire tonight, and I have to say I'm sorry," I then said.

"It's fine. Look, if we're mates, promise me you'll be there forever," she said with a serious look on her face.

"I promise," I replied.

We smiled and hugged.

"I've been looking for you," she softly said.

"Thank God you moved in then," I said, pulling back from the hug.

She looked at my face and seemed to frown a little.

"What is it?" I asked.

"When's the last time you fed, you look so dehydrated," she asked.

"Oh crap, it's been a week," I replied.

She sighed and extended her neck.

"We're off to a good start," she said, rolling her eyes.


Hey! I hope you liked the chapter! I apologize if it feels a little rushed, but I just didn't have that much inspiration for it... At least I came up with something, right?

Today's song is Young And Beautiful by Lana Del Rey. I love Lana Del Rey! Even though her music is a little dark sometimes, I think it's very soothing and calming. I chose this song not only because I love it, but also because it matches with the whole "mates" thing of the chapter; when the reader says "will you be there forever?", it's a nod to the lyrics "will you still love me when I'm no longer young and beautiful".

Thanks for reading! The next chapter will be out next Friday!

Bye! Love you!


-Miliebird ❤️

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