Chapter 12. The father's home

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After that, we spent the rest of the day at home. Never had I felt such a strong love in my sorrow that she finally convinced me that I was hers, and when I met her mate, it wasn't hard to believe he loved her because he loved his kids and treated me like one of his own that just hatched. "So this is Machiavelli's kid then. Shame to hear of what happened," he told Clair.

"That sort of honer doesn't matter to many of our kind," I replied. He felt the side of my face of my human form with a smile on his face.

"So, what do you think?" She asked him as she turned me into the form she gave me.

"Such a sweet kid, he has a lot to learn about our lives, though. I assure you though that learning all of it and you'll stick with it because it's the life you now live among our civilization," he told me.

"I was thinking of adding a cobra hood to this form," Clair told him.

"That can work, though I think we should let Nathan decide," he replied. He then looked at me for an answer.

My response: "Yeah, sure, I mean, it'll help me cool off if we end up going to a warm area."

"I guess we head on down to apply it then," he told us.

If I could remember where I went, I would have been able to answer a few of my friends' questions as they came by me and my now cobra hooded head. Even then, these 2 treat me like I'm their child. Taking me on activities they did around the ship, and while some were a bit odd to me at first, I got accustomed to it being something they did on first to go more often than not a few days later though I felt mentally hurt once more.

"I'll be with the dragon if you need me, Clair," I told her as I headed to my dragon.

"I haven't seen you in days, what's happened to you, Nathan?" my dragon asked me after I got into the cave.

"A lot has changed Machiavelli's a rank lower now, I have a murder being investigated by his kind that I doubt they can prosecute without our court system, and Clair's locked me in this form," I replied.

"Nathan, I don't want to lose you," she replied as she held me close.

Clair soon came in looking at me and said: "how many times have I told you that Machiavelli only fabricates your bond with her. I'm not letting you out of that form till you admit that," she told me,

"and I keep telling you that there is a bond that I've developed with her; it's just not the same bond," I replied.

"Clair, what are you two arguing about?" Her mate asked her. He then looked at me and told her: "let it go. His kind forms bonds on their own, too, you know."

"Wha... this bond was implanted by Machiavelli," she hastily replied.

"Clair, I know you've always been scared of dragons, ever since you were little, and you persist that onto your children even him," he replied. "The children I can convince, but you'll have to convince yourself." He then walked back inside and locked it.

After a bit, I felt like I could change forms again. I turned to my dragon form, and the 3 of us approached Clair. "Keep back!" She shouted at us, but we persisted in boxing her into the corner of the cave. She tried to make herself as small as possible, and as she shook in fear, we began to lick her gently. "Your tounges, they feel so soft," she told us. My dragon smiled at her as she let her feel her scales. "That feeling I... Nathan, you were right. I know what you were talking about now," she told me as she began to cry.

"You finally see our true bond, don't you," I said to her telepathically.

"Yes, yes, I do," she replied as she hugged my dragons' face.

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