Chapter 6 - Cease my Worries

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“I seriously don't think you can can jump from 5 stories without hurting yourself”.

“No I swear I've seen cats do it before!”.

“You are not a cat, Bokuto”.

“You're right, I'd rather be an owl. What about you?”

“I don't know. I suppose a sea urchin”.

“What? Those spiky things underwater. Dude thats boring”.

“Did you just call your soulmate dude”.

“Hot, am I right?”.

“Unbelievably so”.

“You know I can tell what sarcasm is even through writing”.

“...I have no idea what you're referring to”.

Bokuto could basically feel the cheeky tone conveyed through the writing on his skin.

He snickered, spinning the pen in his hand as he read over the words.

His soulmate and him had been talking for an hour, and already Bokuto was slowly picking up more and more traits.

At first it had seemed that they were smart, way too smart. Like a whole different league, and he was sure they still were.

But he also saw the underlying witty remarks and the brazen he sometimes slipped in, just like right now. It was enticing, and he found that their personalities made it easy to banter.

“Bokuto, if you do not go to sleep right fucking now” Kuroos voice came from beside him.

Bokuto twisted to the side, shining his phone onto his friends face.

Kuroo immediately hissed at the light, scrambling to shove a pillow over his own face. Bokuto chortled at his reaction.

“And turn off your bloody phone light, its nearly midnight!” the voice came muffled from behind the pillow.

“Nooo, you don't understand. They like to talk at night” Bokuto pouted. “It seems like they're always busy, until this time”.

“Maybe they have insomnia, and the only way to sleep is to bore themselves by talking to you” Kuroo groaned, flipping over to his stomach.

He laid his arms either side of the pillow, effectively shoving it to both sides of his head, hair pinched between.

Bokuto already knew that was his default sleeping position, and for sure how he got his wild bed head.

“Go suck a dick” Bokuto retorted.

“God I wish I could suck a dick”.

“We're at a boys training camp, go take your pick of all the sleeping dudes here”.

“Bokuto thats called sexual harassment” Kuroo half cackled, half disapproved.

“Okay, okay, i'll say goodnight then” Bokuto rolled his eyes, flipping the middle finger at the ravens back.

“Don't think I don't know what you just did” Kuroos deadened voice came, muted from the pillow.

Bokuto immediately shoved his hand down at being caught and rolled his eyes, instead grabbing for the pen again.

He had learned to keep his writing down to a small fine print now, and the reward was that he had only tattooed two of his arms instead of his whole body this time.

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