Part 9

715 19 3

ヾ(•ω•')o ENJOY 😊


Marco was really wondering what is Tom's suprise. He was scared of what could it be, but at the same time he also really wanted to what the heck the suprise is.

-We're here.


-Yep. Would you prefer to be somewhere else?


-Are you sad?

-Yea-I mean no I ı mean.....whatever.

-*smirks* No need to be sad.I'm not going tocapture you.

-I-I'm not sad.

-Soooo, ur scared.


-*Gives Marco a 'Are you serious' look*

-Yeah ı am not.

-Really*looks at Marco not believing a bit*

-O-ok, maybe just a little...but just-just a little.

-Yeah,yeah whatever.There is nothing to be afraid of. It's not like  I'm going to tie you up , strip yyou and torture you then kill you when we get home.

-Yeah...Wait you planned to!

-No,ı didn't!

-Really,really!Wait what the hell are you-mmmhpff!!



: Soooo Tom ducktaped Marco's mouth because he kinda started to annoy him.

Then he got the most brilliant idea ever(like it was just soooo clever) well maybe not the most brilliant but it was still pretty good okay. So Tom grabbed Marco and carried him like a prince carrying his princess.

Well Tom was a prince and Marco kinda was his princess. So it was a prince carrying his princess.

  You might also wonder what is Tom's suprise for Marco.Well unlucky you because this is only something me and Tom knows. At least for now on^^ Don't worry tyou'll find out about it later;P

Marco's POV

  Sooo ı took off the ducktape and decided to shut my mouth untill Tom tells or asks me something.

-Marco are you hungry?


-I said ' Marco Are You Hungry?'


-Great! Well ı'm hungry too.


-Soo can you prepare some special nacho of yours.After that ı'm going to show you my suprise;)



Im backヾ(≧▽≦*)o hope you like it . 

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