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Karina's outfit is above!

chapter forty.

The morning of graduation, Karina found herself in a state of panic as she looked at herself in the mirror while being dressed for the occasion.

Her graduation dress no longer fit her.

That was impossible.

She had bought it on one of her last shopping trips with Angela and Jessica, the two girls approved and told her that she would be the "Belle of the ball". However, now here she was a month later and it was proving to be a struggle. Karina wanted to cry, she was ready to not go all together but the pack was going, and she really wanted to see her boys.

Giving it, one last try, she sighed with relief when it finally slipped on after sucking in a bit more. Karina felt as if she couldn't breathe as she looked at herself once more before slipping on the yellow graduation robe over her dress and zipping it up. She rushed down the stairs and smiled at the sight of her mother helping William with his tie.

"Well don't you look dashing." Karina complimented and William smiled at her. "Did you get all dressed up for me?" She batted her eyelashes and William laughed.

"No, I'm sure it was for Bella." Aurora joined in on the teasing and William's cheeks heated up.

"Well, if that's the case then I'm positive Edward has competition." Karina told him and William looked very happy at that.

"Alright let's go!" Aurora ushered them out of the house and the two laughed lightly but complied.

"When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up." Karina snuggled into Jasper's side as she smiled at Jessica up on stage. "Our answers were thing like astronaut, president, or in my case, princess." Laughter flowed around and Karina noticed how Jessica relaxed some.

"When we were ten, they asked again and we answered– rock star, cowboy, or in my case, gold medalist. But now that we've grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how 'bout this: who the hell knows?!" Loud hoots and hollers flowed from the audience making Jessica smile widely.

"This isn't the time to make hard and fast decisions, it's the time to make mistakes. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love– a lot. Major in philosophy because there's no way to make a career out of that. Change your mind. Then change it again, because nothing is permanent." Karina glanced behind her to see Bella looking deep in thought.

"So, make as many mistakes as you can. That way someday when they ask what we want to be, we won't have to guess. We'll know." Karina was one of the first people standing and cheering for Jessica.

Everything after that flowed smoothly, the principal giving his own speech before they started handing out the diplomas. Karina laughed when she had received hers, because as soon as her name was called, the pack started hollering and cheering much to everyone else's dismay. Karina loved it and playfully bowed for them before walking back to her seat.

The post-graduation ceremony wasn't something that Karina was interest in, and neither was her family or the pack. So, after taking some pictures and taking some sweets, Karina bid her family farewell and left with Jasper to help Alice set up for the party.

Karina wasn't entirely okay with Alice but when Jasper reassured her that Javier would be there, she caved and agreed to help with the set up since Alice seemed to be really excited for it.

"Karina, you have all the guys drooling!" Jessica told her as soon as Karina walked up to her and Angela.

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