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Heya guys, while we had a large number of lovely entries pouring in every genre--

There are still open slots left in the following genres, the no. of slots remaining are given against each genre

Historical Fiction: 9

Horror/Paranormal: 7 

Action Adventure: 3

SciFi: 13

Humor: 10

And we have decided that no matter what... **the closing date for accepting entries is 31st Jaunary 2020.**

So in case you want to apply, or you know someone who might signup, please let them know right away by tagging them here.

Thankyou All. We really are grateful to you all for making this awards such a big hit. 5K+ views and so many wonderful entries. While it was all hard work, we had a wondeful time.

Thankyou once again.

Signing off~


Writer's Glory Awards|CLOSED|Where stories live. Discover now