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MadisonBeer: out with my girl🤪 Likes:8

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MadisonBeer: out with my girl🤪
Likes:8.4million Comments:4.2million

User1: omg cuties

User2: bff goals

ArianaGrande: I'm. So. Hungover.

User3: where did they go

User4: who else went??

User5: you're both such goddesses

User6: can I pls look like you two

JackGilinsky: I didn't get an invitation:(

User7: ^ me either and I'm pressed about it ngl

ArianaGrande: next time bby lol @JackGilinsky

User8: ugh I literally hate them together they're so fake

MadisonBeer: ^ same they're both such bitches they deserve to die tbh....


User10: I can't w Madison lol I love her

JackJ: should've asked me to come as well...

User11: @JackJ you were with Sammy lol

User12: ^ hahah

MadisonBeer: @JackJ sorry just Ari and I😉
Vote and Comment:)

Bad Idea : Jack Gilinsky - Ariana Grande {COMPLETED}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant