part II

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That night, Taeyong doesn't find any sleep. The love of his life got taken away from him and he still doesn't believe it. He thinks that it's a nightmare and, that he'll wake up with Ten by his side, laughing at him for having such a weird dream ("you know I'd never leave you dummy !").

Taeyong decides to text him, making sure that everything that's happening is real and hoping to get an answer. While he waits for it, he puts his earphones in and taps on the shuffle button. The first song that comes is one that Ten's recommended to him, Things I'd Do For U by Astronomyy. He suddenly remembers when Ten sang this song looking straight into his eyes and holding his hands tightly. Oh how much he wants Ten to sing it again.

After what feels like an hour, Taeyong checks his phone to see if he has a text back. And, not-so-surprisingly he doesn't. "How dumb am I ?" he sarcastically laughs, "Of course, he won't answer ! This witch he has for a mother took his phone ! And I'm sure she also will change his phone number ! Because she doesn't want us to talk anymore !" he now cries out, tears falling down again.

He throws his phone somewhere in his room, not minding if he breaks it.

Taeyong then buries his face in the pillow that Ten used the night before and sadly smiles. He inhales the scent, somehow feeling his lover's presence right here, with him. "I miss you baby" he whispers to the pillow, "please come back, you know I don't have anyone but you" he finishes, a last tear rolling down his face.

Taeyong manages to relax into the boyfriend-scented pillow and, overwhelmed by his emotions, slowly drifts off to sleep.

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