part III

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On the ride back home, Ten doesn't talk to his mom at all. At every attempt, he cuts her off with a sharp "stop talking". She had taken him away from his lover and still, she dares to talk to him.

As they arrive, Ten quickly leaves the car, running into his home not even bothering to let the door open for his mom. He rushes to the stairs and to his room before throwing himself on his bed. There, he finds a black hoodie.

A black hoodie that belongs to Taeyong, that he probably forgot here the last time he came. And Ten knows that he did it on purpose. He smiles sadly, puts it on then lays down.

After trying to fall asleep for about ten minutes, a soft knock on his door make him lose all hopes to even rest tonight. "Mom, leave !" he shouts, but in spite of his warning the door still slowly opens. His sister appears and, without a word, goes to hug him.

"She took him away..." he whispers in her collar.

The younger girl starts stroking her brother's hair, still not saying anything. Of course, she knows about his relationship with Taeyong, since the beginning. So she understands his state of mind, more than anyone else.

"I love him..." Ten starts crying again, making the most of the warmth he is given.

"I know..." his sister sweetly answers with a bitter smile.

And with their arms around each other, the brother and the sister fall into dreamland. It is the last night they spend in Korea ; the next day being the day they'll go back to Thailand.

In the plane, seated next to his sister and hand in hand with her, Ten looks out of the window, only Taeyong on his mind.

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