part VIII

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Ten is now in front of Taeyong's door, he luckily found a taxi when he got out of the airport.

He takes a deep breath and confidently knocks. When he hears the familiar footsteps from the other side of the door, he smiles widely. And as it opens, Ten finally sees the person he longed to see. Taeyong is finally before his eyes, wearing a plain white t-shirt and grey shorts, his hair messy. Ten thinks it's the most beautiful creature he's even seen.

"Hey love" he simply says, still smiling brightly.

Taeyong's eyes widen as he sees the only someone he needs. Soon, his eyes are filled with tears of happiness. "I missed you" he cries, rushing into Ten's arms. "Don't ever leave me again" he sobs into his lover's chest.

"I won't, I promise" Ten replies, stroking the back of Taeyong's neck.

Both don't let go of the hug, it making them realise that they are together again and that it is real. After a few minutes that feel like forever to them, "Look at me" Ten says, cupping his Taeyong's face. Taeyong does so and Ten asks with a smile, "How have you been ?" wiping his lover's tears off with his thumbs.

Taeyong answers, looking straight into his Ten's eyes, "A mess without you"

And before he knows it, Taeyong feels a soft pair of lips on his own. Surprised for a second, he melts into the kiss the next. He cups Ten's face as well. The kiss isn't rushed, it is a kiss in which only their love for each other is given ; a way to show that they missed their other half.

When they pull back, Taeyong stares lovingly into Ten's eyes once again and whispers, "Welcome home" to which Ten answers sweetly, "I love you".

"I love you too" Taeyong smiles.

And with that said, they quickly kiss again before holding each other's hand and bringing Ten's suitcases into their house.

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