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The next few days, the four of us certainly noticed that she was not her happy and normal self.

She didn't wake up in a good mood
She complained about going to school even though she told us she had plenty of friends and liked the classes
She distanced herself from us, which was the main thing that made us question everything.

So we decided to call a family meeting.

I went to her room, knocking on her door, hearing a small "come in"

I opened the door, seeing her sitting on the floor against a wall, in an anxiety attack position.

"You okay?" I asked her slowly.

She nodded slowly.

"Can your breathe?" I asked her.

"Now I can" she responded quietly, making me extend my hand to her, helping her stand up.

"The guys want to have a family meeting, are you cool with that?"


I knew the family meeting was about me.

I had been distant, I had been sad and hormonal which is all something the guys normally don't have to deal with, because normally I don't have to deal with them, but I don't know what's wrong with me.

"I'm fine with that" I agreed quietly.

So I followed Luke to the dining room, where Ash, Cal and Mikey were seated- all on their phones.

"Hi beautiful" Calum was the first to notice me and speak.

"Hi" I spoke as the three of them set their phones down as I sat across the table from them, Luke sitting beside me.

"So, we called a family meeting" Ashton spoke first.

"Because you're worried about me" I immediately assumed for them- watching them all exchange a glance.

"Yes, actually" Calum mumbled.

"You've just been distant and quiet, and we know that a lot just happened, and you totally have the right to be sad, but we want you to continue to be vocal to us." Ashton spoke, making me blink to them slowly.

How was I supposed to put all of my emotions into words?

"What are you thinking right now?" Luke asked slowly.

I exhaled slowly.

"I don't know" I spoke truthfully.

"What do you mean?" Confusion took over all of their faces.

I cleared my throat lightly.

"I don't know how to talk to you guys about all of this, like- I can't put everything I feel into words" I spoke, watching them slowly nod.

"Well how about we try, and whatever you get stuck on, either we can help you figure out what's going on or you can choose not to tell us, but ultimately the decision is up to you." Calum suggested

"We all just want you to know that we are here for you, and that you will always have someone to talk to through everything."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 23, 2020 ⏰

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