ease my mind

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chapter eight

Darkness seemed to swallow Rigby. It swirled around him, twisted, danced with every movement he made, like rain pattering on one's head. His ears twitched. His nightmare eyes darted, to and fro. And suddenly, it seemed to clear up, as if adjusted to light. It was night, and the moon shone brightly. He was standing at the pond.

"Delliao." The voice was familiar, and Rigby turned. He saw Skips, staring past Rigby at the dark, churning water.

"Yes," another voice responded. It was deep, with a small Russian lilt that confused the raccoon, making him blink. But he didn't speak. Apparently, Skips couldn't see him. So he wanted to keep it that way.

"What are you at the park for?"

"Oh, Walks. I am trapped-- say, I have a mission for you."

Skips crossed his arms, and snarled, making Rigby tense up, his eyes widen. "I will never help you. I know why you're here, now. You want Rigby--"

"So you're good at guessing." Rigby couldn't see the owner of the voice, but he could imagine the other's eyes narrow in defiance. "You always have been. Rigby's sensitive, an easy target. But... alas... his time with his bird friend seems to drive him away from me. His emotions grow strong, yes. But he listens to his gut. Never my voice."

"He must not have a very good-natured gut, then," Skips muttered, averting his gaze to the floor in thought.

Rigby opened his mouth in protest, but was cut off by Delliao's voice, grazing like nails on a chalkboard. "Enough talk. I want Rigby, yes. But first I want... his friend. Mordecai. Bring him, Skips. And maybe a prize will come with..."

"No!" Rigby found his voice, "Skips, don't listen to him--!"

The yeti didn't seem to hear him. But Delliao did. His eyes opened in Rigby's vision, amber-red. Almost like fire... but his figure wasn't there. Only his eyes... and they wouldn't leave him, blinking slowly.

Rigby screamed, stumbling away, and something like cackling was heard in his head... before fading into a slow gurgle, sounding like blood. The eyes wouldn't leave him. Blinking.



Rigby woke up, then, and gasped out in fear. He felt something build up in his throat, something burning and tasting foul... he sprang from the bed and sprinted into the bathroom, flicking on the light. He doubled over in front of the toilet, and retched, the eyes lingering in his head, the red...

He shuddered, and cried out, managing to get the remains of his stomach out. He shook, violently, and another shudder escaped from his lips, nose burning, eyes watering.


Mordecai's voice was heard somewhere far off, and there was a knock. "Dude, are you in there?"

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