to spare my pride, to give your lack of interest an explanation

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[Sometime in 2019]

Chris is a 12 year old 6th grade student at a Christian school. He realized he was gay in late 2018 and came out to his friends first, then his mom shortly after. He has a group of friends but one of his friends stood out from the rest, Sonia. She was a new student at the school and immediately got popular, she had a secret though, she was diagnosed with clinical depression.

Chris has stayed in this school for 9 whole years yet he never had issues with his friends. Chris is a top tier student, he has a history of interschool quiz bees. With all of these achievements, he still gets bullied. He is always quiet in class but very talkative when with friends.

Chris also has a crush named Zon, he is a 10th grader. He is the school's heartthrob, he loves music, sports, and preforms well in academics. Chris and Zon met in choir 3 years ago, Chris was in 4th grade and Zon was in 8th grade. They were always together in that club with all of Zon's friends which Chris grew friendships with shortly after.

Sonia and Zon immediately got close and even sat with each other every recess and lunch. Sonia didn't had the intention to stay friends with Zon though. She also had a crush with him. When Chris found this out, he didn't think much of it because he knew Zon was straight and he will definitely not pick him if he had to pick.

Sonia found out months later that Chris is gay and that he has a crush on Zon as well, but Sonia acted fine like nothing happened. They didn't fight, they didn't even talked about it. She acted like nothing happened.

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