author's notes

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Thank you for reading this book! I hope you enjoyed it.

If you don't know, this story is true. Yes, it happened in real life, and yes, I am Chris in this book. This book was just a kind of therapy for me, for me to put all my feelings in it. (and of course, I blocked 'Sonia' on everything. she still doesn't know, and that's proof that she doesn't care. UPDATE [6/26/20]: She now knows but she hasn't done anything to communicate with me)

This book is just a remake of another book from my other account @AESTHETlC06 (which got banned or something but i'M fInE. UPDATE [6/26/20]: a new account was created under that username), which had the same title as this book.

Thank you to my friends who inspired me to rewrite the book, and thank you to @0d3tt3- for writing part 8, "i just kinda wish you were gay".

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