CHAPTER ONE : You don't have to fit in.

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"How can anyone be so naive?" Bianca asked me in disbelief as she sat up, her eyes still glued on what she was reading. She had been lying on my bed for a while reading my overly ridiculous diary. I had finally let her read it and she was already making me feel uncomfortable about it.
She eagerly flipped into another page of the diary and in about a minute or two she stood and walked towards a sofa near my dressing mirror where she sank in and flipped to another page.

"So sceptical," She couldn't stop. I rolled my eyes at her as I folded a T-shirt and carefully placed it in my almost full suitcase.

When she finally couldn't stand her unanswered questions, she walked towards me and sat on the bed near me to catch my attention.

"Look at me and tell me that am not wrong to not feel surprised that you can be so unbelievable at times," She said watching me trying to ignore her.

I wasn't planning on saying anything because she was right. What would I say anyway?! That am a grown ass teen who still believes in fairy tales and prince charming? The girl that everyone saw as naive and invisible, the girl that in highschool when every other girl got boobs, she got braces and over sized spectacles yet she still wishes on stars and writes about fairy tales that one day she will be Cinderella who meets her Prince charming?!

It was only right for anyone to see me as unbelievable. I sighed and walked over to the other side of the bed and lied on it, staring at my dream catcher hanging over the ceiling.

"You are not wrong B, its just that I wanna feel visible for once and experience life like a normal teenager for once. Is it too much to ask? To fit in?" I finally responded playing with my perfectly manicured nails.

I felt Bianca move close to me where she sat carefully brushing my kinky black long hair with her fingers. She stayed quite for a while before letting out a long sigh.

"Celine, you are amazing in so many ways and its the loss of everyone else not seeing it. You know, you don't have to fit in. Just be you and everything will fall into place one day," she said then lied on my chest and gave me a tight warm hug then fell silent again for a while.

"You are the best B. But can you get rid of the diary already and help me finish packing up?" I asked as i looked at her flaking hair, her head still lying on my chest.

"Yes ma'am," she responded as she shot up from the bed towards my study table where she placed my diary then headed towards the closet.

"And do something about that hair," I commented with a smile as I followed her.

This time am the one who received an eye roll and a trouser thrown to my face. She giggled and before we knew it we were laughing out loud.

Bianca and I had been friends since childhood because they lived next door. We were close friends for a while until we both went to different elementary boarding schools. We would meet during school break for about a week and then she would leave to go and stay with her father at Maldy city.

Her mother and father divorced since she was eight years old and her father moved to Maldy. Me getting to be with her for just a week every school break, made us not have a close connection to each other. The kind that I would share my secrets and problems with.

Things changed during our last year in elementary school. On the first break of that year, she stayed for a week and as usual she left for her dad's and found out that her father was getting married again to a single mother. She got to live with her step mother and her step sister for the rest of the holiday and it turned sour and she was not ready to go back there again.

During the last break that year, she decided to spend the whole school break with her mother. We had finished elementary school and was waiting to join highschool. We started having sleepovers at each other's places, sharing secrets and problems, in other words, we became really close like best friends.

At that point, that's when I told her about my depression and low self esteem. She also told me about her father, step sister and step mother. She became like the sister I never had and so did I.

Lucky enough, we went to the same high school and same classes. She helped me grow a lot and she changed me and because of it, I learnt to accept myself for who I was ,invisible and naive.

Today, she was having a sleepover at our place and after we finished packing up, freshening up, dressing into our sleep wear,  we got into bed and shared our fears and enthusiasm about joining college.

We will be going to the same college but we will be in different classes and schedule because we chose different courses. We chit chat for a while before Bianca dozed off. I yawned and stared at my dream catcher wondering how my first day in college would be like tomorrow. My eyes started to feel heavy and before I knew it my eyelids shut. Sweet dreams.

To be continued.......

Authors note

Hey lovelies, am back again with another enticing story. I hope you all enjoy.
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Will Celine finally fit in on her first day in college? Will she experience a normal life like every other teenager?
You will find out sooner or later in the next chapter. Continue reading.

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