CHAPTER FOUR : Only said yes to get a free ride home

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I was trying so hard to catch my breathe from laughing so hard. Austin just stood there bored his hands in his pocket.

"Are you done?" He asked raising an eyebrow.

"Let a girl catch her breathe," I said still laughing. This time not as much as before.

"Come on Cess. Am being serious for once," he pleaded.

"Wow Austin, you really got me there. That was a really nice joke," I said finally looking at him after taking a deep breathe.

"Once again Cess, am serious," he insisted wearing the same blank yet bored expression on his face.

"If that's the case Austin, how may I be of help?" I asked emphasizing his name and air quoting the word help.

He took in a deep breathe, cleared his throat and the moment he opened his mouth to say something, it closed without anything coming out of it.

"It really takes a lot of effort for mighty Austin to ask for help," I joked as I watched him rub the back of his head.

"Darn it!" He exclaimed before walking back and fourth a few times and finally walking back in front of me. Call me evil but seeing him like this, desperate, made me feel contented as well as the urge to laugh at him.

"Not again," he said starting to get impatient when I couldn't hold in the laughter anymore. "Can you not embarrass me right now. I don't wanna fall into the same page as you," he said eyeing the few people who had been left in the hallway.

"Right, right. Golden boy needs his pride intact," I said sarcastically with an eye roll.

"Is that a yes or no," he asked agitated.

"Of course not. Are you too dump to realise you are an year ahead of me. How should I know how to help you on a syllabus that is an year ahead of me?" i asked.

I turned to lock my locker with the key thinking that I would finally get him off my back and at some point I thought that I successfully did it until I turned only to bump into him.

"Look, I failed my first year's calculus paper and I know you would ace at it even if you did it with your eyes closed.  I just need to learn the basics," he explained. There was no way he was giving up.

"Did you just compliment me and plead me in one sentence?" I asked to piss him off and from the look on his face, it worked.

"And you call me the jerk? Am a better one coz am not a selfish one like you. Forget i was here, such a whimp," and with that he left.

"Proud selfish jerk. So full of himself," I mentally cursed him as I left the hallway towards the exit gate of the school hoping that by the time I reached the bus stop I would catch the next bus because I was already running late.

Half an hour. An hour. Two hours, that's how long I had been looking for a way to get home. The last bus had already left after I got to the bus stop. That was the same amount of time that I had been trying to reach my mother but I couldn't. It was already getting really cold and it was already dark.

I rubbed my hands together to try and warm myself up and started walking towards a town near the school. After a few minutes of walking, a car stopped near me beside the road and I rolled my eyes when I saw who was driving after he rolled down the car's window.

"Of course, it had to be you," I groaned as I walked past his car.

"Just get in the car Cess. You won't hurt much of your pride by doing so, or you can just carry it to wherever for nothing," he said then giggled.

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