CHAPTER 6 :I want you because you get me

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"So?!" I scowled. He gawked at me for a while then sighed.

"As you know am the school's soccer captain but....," he stopped after another hiccup. He smiled lightly.

"I don't know that but keep going," I gave him a once - over.

"But i won't be the captain anymore before I....," another hiccup that made me sigh in disappointment but he giggled at that.

"Before I retake the calculus paper and ace it," he continued then hiccupped again.

It was a good and meaningful reason but still it did not add up. I wanted more.

"That's it?" I asked an eyebrow raised.

"Yes, I mean no. There is also this scholarship.....," hiccup. "I badly need it and there is no damn way am gonna get it with bad grades," he explained blinking his eyes lazily. I figured that he was drowsy. I was too, my eyelids were heavy. I wanted to know why he chose me but I needed sleep more so I decided not to push him for more answers. He yawned stretching his hands then lied on the sofa.

I stood and lazily went to the kitchen. I poured some ice cubes in a glass then some water from the dispenser. Austin quirked up on seeing me and sat almost upright.

"Here," I handed him the glass of water and he warmly received it. I turned to leave to go and sleep before a hand held my wrist to stop me from leaving. This time he was standing. He was trying so hard to stand still.

"Where are you going?" Austin asked after taking one last gulp of his water.

"To sleep," I answered blankly.

"Take me with you, " he joked with a lopsided grin.

"Haha, am gonna process that and laugh at it later when am not sleepy anymore," I said sarcastically.

"I will keep you warm," he continued wiggling his eyebrows.

"You are so full of yourself Austin," I rolled my eyes.

"I love it when you do that, and when you call my name, " he joked again wearing a poker face.

"Ugh! You are impossible," I lamented as i tried to pull my hand off his but he pulled me and in a blink of an eye my perception of time distorted. Everything slowed down until he landed on the sofa and I on top of him that made him wince of pain from my weight.

I felt his breathe on my face, his arms wrapped around me, our lips almost touching and eyes locked into each other. Despite the heaviness in my stomach, it flattered at the feeling of my body pressing against his. I sank into his warmth appreciative of every feeling that i was getting, his cologne mixed with the smell of alcohol lingering through the air. It was like a shot of adrenaline right to my heart.

"I want you because you get me better than anyone else, you know me the best, you always have. I need you B because I can't forg........," he said before falling to sleep.

I should have gotten up immediately but I wanted to stay in that position a little bit longer, my heart was beating in a whole different way. I felt stupid for wanting something toxic so bad.

I finally stood up slowly and watched him sleep for a while and all the happy memories between us came back to me. He is the only guy that I ever got close to. He made me warm up to him every time that he was there for me when I needed him, but he had changed all that right?

I sighed then went upstairs and came back with a duvet and a pillow. I carefully covered him and place the pillow under his head. He turned then held onto the duvet appreciative of the warmth. I smiled then walked back upstairs to my room. I changed into my pajamas, sank into my bed, then covered myself. I yawned several times and in a few my eyelids shut.

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