CHAPTER 7 : "what did you wish for?"

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"You are still here!!!" I exclaimed as I quickly approached him hoping that my mother would not think of stepping out or going anywhere close to her window which was directly facing us.

"Good morning to you too Celine," he stood still wearing a straight face. He wasn't as bubbly and a glorified jerk as usual. His face was pale. It was as if he had a sleepless night or a hangover or something.

"You look terrible," I commented sarcastically after he removed his ray bands. There was visible eye bags under his eyes.

"That's not a compliment I'd choose to use on someone who is offering to give me a ride," he arched his right eyebrow. "Come on, get in." He said opening the car door behind him then moved towards me.

"And give me one good reason as to why you think am dumb enough to get in your car?" I confidently asked then folded my arms waiting for him to say something close to nothing as usual.

"Well, because one, am not going anywhere until you agree. I believe your mother is in there and we both know that you wouldn't like her knowing that we spent the night in the same roof and two, because its the least i can do after accommodating me last night. I gave you two reasons, c'mon," He lightly smirked.

I blankly stared at him, he answered a question with a straight answer and he sounded so sincere, it was soooo unlike him. I opened my mouth to joke about it but it shut as soon as I heard the door to the house open and I heard my mother's voice talking on her phone.

"Darn it!!!!! Get in quick! " I commanded Austin then quickly got into his car. He cooperated and rushed towards the driver's seat.

" You look too excited for someone who was about to get caught," I commented after seeing an already smiling Austin. He quickly started the car and before mom was done locking the door, we had already left.

"Buckle up," he said making a right turn towards the road leading to school. That was the last conversation we made. Austin was busy listening to his trap playlist and i was on the phone text chatting with Bianca who also had a long night after a chaotic fight with her step sisters again and she was hesitating giving me the reason why the fight was all about.

"Wait!!!! Where are we!? This is not the road to school." I realized after taking my eyes off my phone. Confused, I looked out to see any familiar road or building but there was nothing familiar to me.

"Austin!!!!" I shouted his name because he was busy trying to ignore me.

"Just know that today we're skipping school ." He said not taking his eyes off the road even for a second.

"You can't make me skip school on my second day ," I said unleashing my seat belt, "Pull over right now." I commanded frustrated.

He kept his focus on the road constant controlling the steering wheel with one hand and the other placed on his thigh. Was he ignoring me despite my anger or did I need to be more dramatic to at least get his attention.

"Are you seriously ignoring me right now ,I said I...."I shouted before he stopped me. He hated being shouted at.

"Damn it woman, I heard you, put your seat belt back on," He suddenly stepped on the car breaks, parking the car on the side of the road.

Well clearly someone was in a bad mood ,and he just had to make me a part of it. I sat back on the chair after giving him an exaggerated sigh and looked out the window. He stared at me then made a long sigh.

"Put on your seat belt, it's a rough road ," He said trying to keep his calm still staring at me but I kept ignoring him.

"Alright, you want to go back ,fine be my guest, but before you get out of this car you should know that the bus station is one and a half hours from here if you walk by foot. Oh, and also, this is a lonely road, you can easily get robbed or worse, is all that worth it, just because you're too innocent to skip school for one day?" He asked sounding aggravating then unlocked the car.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2021 ⏰

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