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Did I possibly hear that right? THE Jack Bassam Barakat is getting...married? King of one night stands! Are you kidding me! I was one of his one night stands and he got me pregnant! And now he's getting married. K.

I played it off as it didn't bother me but truth be told, I was boiling inside.

"Wow. The king of one night stands. Getting married. Tell me about the lucky lady." I said.

"Her name is Brianna and she's amazing. She's super nice and considerate. We've been dating for 2 years and i realized I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her."

I internally rolled my eyes, this shouldn't be happening.

I'm pretty sure if I met her, my skank meter would be off the charts. Possibly break and throw itself off a cliff.

He was going on and on about her and how awesome she was, I'd be lying of I said I wasn't jealous.

"And that's pretty much it." He finished, I snapped my head up and smiled. "Wonderful." I said.

But within all that jealously a ping of guilt found its way into me. He's going on and starting a new life with someone he loves and doesn't even know that he has a child.

While in this moment we were currently confessing things I thought it'd be best to tell him about Payton. "I-ummmm jack?" I said. He looked up and smiled.

"So when's the wedding?" I panicked. Dammit. Stupid stupid stupid. Why couldn't I just spit it out.

"In like 4 months. Why?" He asked. I'm pretty sure he was getting suspicious of my behavior. I would be to if I were him I don't blame him.

"Cause I think the bride should meet the grooms best girl friend. And I wanna meet her." I said quickly.

"Sure yeah of course we can all go out for lunch and everything. It'll be fun. Wait. Lunch or dinner?" He asked.

"Dinner, I can get a baby sitter easier." I said. He looked at me and nodded. "I knew that." He said.

"So tomorrow, Bella's at 5:30ish?" I nodded and he got up. "Great! I'll see you then. I have to go, but i'll see you tomorrow?" I nodded and he hugged me. "It was so nice to see you again."

Payton came running and pouted. "I didn't get to say bye." She whined. "Ah ah what did I say about whining." I warned. She pouted and crossed her arms. "Whining is for baby's." she said.

"Alright pumpkin what do you want for lunch?" I asked as I walked into the kitchen.

"Dinosaur chicken nuggets!!" She said and jumped. I laughed and got them out.

My phone started ringing, and I knew it was Austin by the ring tone so I went to go answer it.

"Hello?" I answered.

"How'd it go?" He said quickly.

"Gee cut to the chase a lot, no 'hey sweetheart' wow feeling the love." I sassed. He laughed and then it got quiet.

"Alright alright i'll tell you..." I looked at Payton who was coloring and walked into the living room. "Jack doesn't know. Every time I went to tell him I chickened out and asked something else. And what's the point anymore." At this point I started to cry and I couldn't help it.

"He's getting married dad. Married! You're gonna be like 'oh sweet heart jealousy' but it's not. Ok no that's a lie 99.9% of it is jealously, but I feel guilt to. He's moving on with his life and how am I supposed to tell him 'oh guess what you're the father of my kid.' I can't just do that! I'll ruin his life!" I finished and sniffed a little and waited for his response.

"Awh baby girl. I don't know what to say. But you have to tell him." He said. "It's the right thing to do."

"I get it. I'm going out to dinner tomorrow with him and his soon-to-be wife. I can tell him after right?" I was panicking at this point because I didn't know how I was gonna tell him. Would it while she went to the bathroom? After dinner? Could I invite him over and tell him?

How would I even start a conversation like that. 'Oh yeah so I lied just a smidgen. Guess what you're Payton's father.'

Or do I do a Maury voice. 'You ARE the father.'

"Go care for Payton, it'll all work out honey."

"Ok dad i'll see you soon, love you." I said.

"Love you to. Bye." I hung up and went back to the kitchen.

"Momma?" I looked up at Payton and smiled. "Yeah baby?"

"Why were you crying?" She asked.

"Momma is going through a difficult time right now. But she will be better soon." She nodded and continued drawing what looked like a boat on water. With a cat inside.

"Can gampa come over tomorrow to watch me. I don't really like Miranda." Payton said. "Why not." I said.

I knew Miranda didn't like Payton and Payton most certainly didn't like her.

But thinking about Payton's baby sitter was the least of my problems. I had to deal with the fact that I had to tell jack the truth tomorrow night. And it brought a sick feeling to my stomach.

Her daughter (Sequel to His Daughter)Where stories live. Discover now