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 I woke up the next morning with Nuffink slapping me in the face. Literally. I was startled, and for a second, looked at him obliviously. Suddenly, fast as lightning (pun not intended), I grabbed his arm, and pulled him in close. I looked him in the eyes, and all the twelve year old did was laugh. I smiled, then flicked him in the ear, not hard, but enough to make him flinch.

"Do it again," I whispered, "and we'll be taking a little, not so pleasant flight around the island."

"NUFFINK!" Zephyr screamed, and threw a pillow at him. "Get out of my ROOM!"
He laughed, and ran out, leaving us to look at eachother and smile.

"What's going on Zephyr?" I heard Astrid yell, and I laughed.

"Mom, tell Nuffink to stay out of my room!" she shouted. "Again. I really need a lock for my door."

I listened carefully for Astrid's voice to ring through the house, but it never did, and I was kinda bummed out. I liked hearing Astrid yell at the little tird, espesially when Hiccup was being to nice to him. I looked at Zephyr, and she grabbed another pillow and put it over her face. She laid back down, and within minutes was back to sleep. I would've done the same, but I had other ideas.

I stood, and slipped out of my pajamas, well, Zephyr's pajamas, and put on my everyday clothing. Astrid had washed it, and had dried it through the night over the fireplace. As I slipped on my necklace, I looked out the window to the right of the bed. The entire village was awake and it looked as if they were swarming Shalkar-drag and Svara.

My father was probably still asleep, and I could hear Dawn and Singe snoring below me. I smiled, just another, almost normal day on Berk. I looked at my house, that was literally less than a hundred feet to the east, and saw Elva sitting atop the hatchframe looking out over the ocean.

I knew I should probably go talk to her, I probably would. But how would she react. Just the day before she tried to kill me, or at least injure me to teach me a lesson of being the daughter of my father. But she was confused, I mean, she'd been dead for maybe twenty years. Which made me wonder, who brought her back from the dead. I pondered the thought, but shoved it aside, and walked out the door and downstairs to see what Hiccup and Astrid had to eat. I was starving, I hadn't eaten since lunch the day before.

As I walked downstairs, I thought about the lunch I'd had the day before. The freshly cooked meat from the animal the Darman, Arven, and Elva had cooked. I mean, maybe I could ask if they had any more with them. As long as it was just Darman and Arven.

"Morning Alia," Hiccup told me as I walked into the dining room.

"Morning," I said, and sat at one of the wooden chairs at the small table. "What ya cookin?"

"No idea," he wiped his hands off on his apron. "Astrid! What am I cooking?"

My aunt took a moment to answer, probably trying to remember. "I think its your moms Breakfast Meatballs-"

Hiccup cut her off, "Her recipe?" he asked her.

"Yep, pretty sure," she called back.

Hiccup looked at me, "if this is my mom's recipe, I'd go find something else to eat," he whispered to me. "They tend to stick around, Astrid wanted me to give them another shot...but like mom, I'm not the best cook."

"Thanks for the tip," I told him, and stood. "I'll go home and scrounge around for something."

"Good choice," he said, and I walked towards the door. "See you later."

He nodded, and jumped as the pan in front of him caught on fire. I slipped outside before he began to yell for Astrid's help, and went to wake up Dawn. As I neared her and Zephyr's nadder, I was surprised to see she was already awake. She looked at me, then at Singe. I stepped over the Nadder's tail, and put my hand on Dawn's snout.

Riders Unbrokenजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें