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Don't play music till the three dots

We were all quiet as my father lead me up the cliffside to where he said Elva had been. My grip was tight around my pennant, almost to the point that my knuckles turned white. Hiccup wielded his fire sword, and my father held my old sword Quicksilver. Astrid was armed with her axe, everyone had their dragon scale armor on, except me and Grayson. We hadn't been expecting to come here to fight.

My father stepped into the cave first, and we walked as quietly as we could down towards the main cavern where Elva and the rest were. We'd left our dragons behind because we didn't want them to give away our position with the sound their claws made when they hit the cave floor.

I was ready to incinerate anything we saw with a blast of electricity, as long as it wasn't one of my friends. We rounded a bend in the tunnel, and I jumped back as people came into view. My father followed close behind, and looked at all of us, putting his finger to his lips to keep us quiet.

I peeked around the corner and saw Elva in the middle of the cavern, looking at something on the floor in front of her. Everyone else was tied up on the opposite side of the cave from where she was. Their mouths had been gauzed with pieces of rope to keep them from talking. I stared at Elva trying to figure out what she was doing, when she suddenly looked over her shoulder.

I ducked back so I'd be hidden from her view, but I heard a laugh come from her.

"I know you're here," she told us, her voice eerily reverberating off of the cave walls. "There's no need to hide from me."

"You guys need to go," my father told Hiccup, Astrid, the twins, and Snotlout. "You have no power to defend yourselves.

"We'll wait for you outside," they whispered, and began to retreat.

"Go with them Grayson," I told him quietly, and he nodded, and went to follow them.

I drew my sword, and my father nodded to Darman. "No matter how it ends, it ends here," I said, "we can't let her get to Berk."

The three of us stepped around the bend, and began walking towards Elva. Her purple eyes followed us the whole was until we reached the cavern and were feet from where she sat. We surrounded her, which wasn't intimidating because it was just us three. I looked at the people that were tied up behind me, and then focused on Elva.

"What are you doing Elva?" my father demanded.

She turned her attention to him, and smirked. "There are many people who want Berk and Croise to perish, and with you dwelling on it there was no way for anyone to even touch you,

"And so they took advantage of what they knew about all of you," she continued, "and with the help of my ShadowWing gaining control over the dragons of the Barbarian Archipelago, its made it so much easier-"

"So all those Night Fury's serve you," I asked, and she nodded.

"Anyway, they knew that I could regain your father's trust easily, and that he'd do anything for his back from the dead friend. While I brought you here, they'd take most of the Night Fury's to destroy Berk. They'd use their own dragon's against them using the power of the King of Dragons. And so while you are here, you're precious Berk is being destroyed," she finished, leaving my father and Darman speechless.

"You are a traitor!" Darman roared, "you dont deserve to live!"

I looked at my father, who looked as if he'd just been stabbed in the gut, "You're not Elva," he whispered, "she'd never hurt me."

She disappeared in a poof of dust, and I untied the rest of the vikings from where they sat. I looked at my father, who nodded.

"Get out of here," he yelled, "find your dragons, we have to get back to Berk!"

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