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 We flew above the clouds, so no one could see us flying from below. Soon people would probably realize I was gone, and begin searching for me. Right now...I didn't really want to be found. I just wanted to get away from Elva...from what she showed me.

"Elva's probably the only one who knows where we're going," I whispered to Dawn, and laid back in the saddle.

Why are we running? Dawn asked, and I patted her on the side.

"I don't know," I told her, and closed my eyes. I could feel the cool air on my belly as my shirt exposed it. I felt the breeze making my hair blow into my face. "I'm afraid of what I saw, of whatever Elva warned me about."

But you don't even know what it is, she said.

I again felt the feeling of being nothing, the feeling off all my joy and confidence going dark. I felt the same way I had when she took my power, or at least restrained it. I let out a shallow breath, and gripped the rune around my neck.

"When we were on Itchy Armpit," I began, "I felt something strange, I felt more power. More than I ever had before, I think it was because I was so close to where it originated."

It's a possibility, she said.

"We have to try," I told her, "I have to do anything to protect Berk...I feel like that's my job."

I know.

Suddenly the clouds parted, revealing a large mountain peak. We looked down and saw the island it belonged to. I pulled out my map from the saddlebag, and unfolded just enough to see Croise and the rest of the Nine Islands. Finally I folded it just right, and I saw the outline of this same island on the parchment.

"This is it," I whispered.

The village my father said had once stood on the cliffside was completely overgrown. Moss covered the rooftops, and I could see vines hanging down from the gutters. The glass in the windows of most of the houses was cracked, and some completely shaddered. A couple doors were left open, or rotted open. But in the center of the village, stood a house that looked almost brand new.

"What the-"

Dawn dove towards the treeline, and crouched low in the tall grass. A light was on inside the house, and we could see figures walking around inside. Smoke curled up from the chimney, and disappaited as it made its way upward. I hopped out of the saddle, and crouched next to Dawn.

"This place was abandoned years ago," I said, and reached into the saddlebag. I pulled out a spyglass, and looked through it at the people inside.

Apparently not, Dawn snorted. Obviously they're raiders-
"I don't think so," I stated, and looked at the group through one of the windows. They looked younger than twenty, and they all looked healthy. From what I could see there was two girls, obviously twins, and a guy. The twins looked to be about fourteen, and, who I assumed to be older brother, looked to be around my age, he also looked kinda hot. "They're just a bunch of kids."

The guy had a squared chin, with slight sideburns on his cheeks. He had a big arms, and his skin was light brown. His eyes were blue, and had a sparkle that reminded me of the ocean. But they also had a darkness in them that gave of a pain he felt. He wore a red and black flannel, and had a necklace around his neck.

His ears were about mid-sized, and his nose was broad. His black hair looked kinda shaggy but from here I could tell it must've been pretty soft. His teeth were straight and pearly white, and his smile was handsome. I didn't really pay much attention to his sisters.

The taller one had a pointed chin, and rosy cheeks. She had a small nose and ears. She also had blue eyes but they didn't hold the pain his did. Her hair was blonde, and tied back in a ponytail. The other sister looked almost exactly the same except she had a rounder chin, and one green eye and a blue one. Raiders, Dawn whispered, definately.

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