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 I walked out of the room, hoping that the three orcs wouldn't be able to tell how in shock I was. I walked through the doorway, and saw that they had already seated themselves on the couch. I recieved a smile from Alice, a glare from Grayson, and a nervous smile from the other girl. I sat on the couch that Alice was sitting on, and Grayson didn't take his eyes off me.

"So, what brings you to the Nine Islands?" Grayson asked as he looked down, and began sharpening a dagger. "There must be some explanation for flying so far from home."

"Look, something is going to attack my home," I told him, trying not to falter. "I don't know what, and I don't know when. Elva just told me that whatever it was was going to make me feel powerless-"

"Really?" he mocked me, not looking up from his knife.

"Grayson," Alice growled, "dont be a jerk."

He sat back in his seat, clearly surprised his sister had made the remark.

"Excuse me?" he said.

"You heard me," she told him. "Let her speak."

I looked at both of them, "anyway," I began again, "I met your father, Elva, and Arven on an island not far from here. And I felt more powerful the closer I got to here, to the birthplace of this," I held out my hand, and allowed a flicker of electricity to spark off of it. "I thought the more powerful I become, the better I'll be able to protect my family-"

"Let me stop you right there," Grayson said, holding out his hands. "You expect us to believe that some, thing is going to stomp into the Barbarian Archipelago, and destroy everything you love. That's some bull-"

"Grayson," Alice snapped, and he looked at her.

"I need to see more, Alia," he told me. "Something else than just your words. Make me feel what you feel, and maybe we'll get somewhere."

"I don't-" I began, but he shooed my words away.

"Mable," he said, "you know what to do."

The other twin looked at me, "take my hand Alia," she whispered, and held out her hand palms up. She'd already grabbed her brothers hand.

"Umm," I asked, "what?"

"Please take my hand," she said again, and I reluctantly listened. Her hands her cold, and I didn't like it. I liked my hands being warm. "Do I have permission to transfer you're past to my brother."

"I don't think-" I started, but Alice leaned over and began to whisper in my ear.

"If you want to earn our complete trust," she said, "you need to let her do this. She's a mage, a special kind of mage. One that transfers emotions through touch, anything you don't want to be seen, you just push away."

I looked back at Mable, and then at Grayson. I held my breath, and was worried of how knowing my pain would effect Grayson. Would he even be able to bear it. I closed my eyes,

"Okay," I said.

"And what about you Grayson?" she asked her brother, and I froze. He looked his sister in the eyes,

"Yes," he said, and before I could say anything, I was sucked into his memories, and him into mine.

I opened my eyes and saw the front door of a large house. I looked around, and saw noone in the streets of the town I was in. All the lights in the houses were off, except for the one in front of me. I touched the silver doorknob, and twisted the handle. It opened without any resistance, and I stepped inside.

"What is this place?" as I took in the interior of the two story house. There were stairs directly in front of me that led up to the next floor, and there was a doorway on either side. One led down the hallway, with a room straight to my right. To the other side was the living room, there were two couches, and a recliner.

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