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 I looked out over the ocean in front of us, thinking of how I could've been so stupid. How did she slip past me, of all the people on Berk I had suspected something. That's probably why she'd tried killing me, because she knew I'd suspect something because I'd never met her. And knew she wasn't the same person my father had told me about a year after we found each other.

To add on to that was Dawn's problem. She'd lost a fight with one of the Night Fury's who might of been a powerful ally. She'd been dethroned from being the queen of dragons and had no power of any of them. This day was just getting better and better. I clenched my fists and threw punches at the sky above us. I screamed at everything that had happened, my stupidity, me leaving Dawn. Everything was my fault, if I had just stayed with her nothing would've happened. In fact if I had just stayed on Berk, none of this would've happened. Elva had been right about one thing...I felt like nothing.

I laid back in Dawn's saddle, and could feel Grayson and Spike's eyes on me. But they didn't say anything, and I stared up at the clouds. A tear fell from my eye, I'd left my home unguarded. I'd left my family alone because I'd trusted there was something else, something other than my father's childhood friend.

I patted Dawn on her shoulder, "we have to get back home," I told her, and she cooed in agreement.

"I'm sorry for bringing you here," Grayson told me, and I looked back at him. "I shouldn't have made you want to stay away from your family any longer than you had to. I just, wanted to get to know you-"

"Me too," I whispered, and gave him a slight smile. "And you're a good person Grayson, and friend."

He licked his lips, and looked down at Spike, "maybe we'll see each other again."

"Maybe," I told him, and sat up in the saddle. "Let's get you home."

According to Grayson we crossed into Croisean waters at about midday and I had no idea how he knew this. I could barely see what was in front of us it was so foggy. We were guided by Dawn's sound tracking that she used in the dark. Grayson also grew uneasy when he said an unfamiliar scent entered his nostrils, which put me on alert as well.

Once the island came into view I put my hands on my head in terror. Giant spikes of ice stood everywhere, each over a hundred feet tall. The houses had been blown apart, including the one that Grayson and his sisters had been living in. We landed, and I jumped off of Dawn. And ran through the frozen rubble.

"Alice! Mable!" Grayson called frantically, but received no answer. He called several other times but got no results. I looked around too, but couldn't find any trace of them.

"She must've hit this place while we were gone," I told him, and he looked at me.

"We have to find them!" Grayson yelled and he mounted Spike. "We'll search the West side of the island, you search the East."

"I don't think we should split up," I told him, and he glared at me. I held up my hands, and pointed at the ice. "What if she's still here, she could just be waiting for us to do something like that. Something reckless, that's why she did this, Grayson."

"Well then what do we do?" he demanded, and suddenly nets were thrown over his dragon. Spike roared as a bola wrapped around Graysons arms and legs and he to was dropped on the floor. Suddenly someone covered my mouth with their hand. They grabbed me, and pulled me behind one of the columns of ice out of sight of Grayon.

I elbowed the person in the side, and broke away from their grip. I turned to face our attacker, and my eyes widened as our eyes met. I stood up straight, my mind suddenly going blank.

"Dad?" I asked, "what the hell are you doing here?"

"Came to bring you home, Alia," he told me, "you've been gone for almost a weak, what'd you expect."

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