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 We raced across the Archipelago Ocean towards the Isle of Berk. It was early in the morning, and the chill from the biting air whipped at my bare face and arms. I knew that the Night Furys and Elva had already reached the island, but I didn't know how much damage that they had already caused. What was left of my home came into view, and I stopped Dawn from flying any further. The rest of the Riders stopped behind us, Hiccup gasped at the swarm of Furies. Toothless grew uneasy memories from his past returning to him.

"There's more of them," Astrid shouted to me, good thing we were out of hearing distance.

"We're gonna need a lot more dragons to get through that," Snotlout said, Darman nodded in agreement.

Hiccup looked at me, and I examined the flock of Night Furys, "there won't be any blasting through them," I told everyone, "we're gonna need some kind of strategy to get through them. We are all we've got right now, until we get rid of their leader."

"How are we supposed to do that?" Grayson asked, and I looked up at the mountain that housed Gothi's hut.

"Everybody is probably in the Great Hall," I said, "we'll use the mountain as cover, and attack from there. Svara and Shalkar-drag, you'll fly in from the back so you don't give away our position-"

"Yeah you're all to big," Ruffnut said, making the two big dragons snort and possibly grow self conscious.

"We'll keep them away from everybody," I continued. "Until Dawn and I can challenge the Alpha."

Dawns eyes widened, and she cooed, I don't know if I can beat him.

Last time you were alone, I told her, and patted her side. I will never leave you again. We'll do this together Dawn, we will find a way.

"Lets go," I yelled to everyone, Svara and Shalkar did as I told them and began to go the long way around the island. "fly low so we stay hidden."

We all raced towards the mountain, leaving a wake behind us. Dawn dug her claws into the back side of the rock face, making little to no noise. She was followed by the rest of the dragons. I looked around, and once again realized I was the only one not wearing armor.

Dawn climbed to the side of the mountain, she exposed herself just enough to see the flock. I climbed off of her and began making my way up the mountainside. Within a matter of moments I was up to Gothi's hut which was at the peak of the mountain. I looked out over Berk and saw Elva on the cliffside. The flock of Night Fury's gradually getting closer and closer to the mountain.

Don't fire until you know you can hit them, I told Dawn, and she scoffed.

I'm a Fury, she said, I never miss.

I smiled, and crouched behind one of Gothi's tables. The old woman was huddled up in the corner of her house, and when she saw me I saw a spark of hope flash through her eyes.

"Is everyone in the Great Hall?" I asked, and she nodded.

I looked back out over the village as the Furies reached the edge of the cliff. I closed my eyes,

We've got one shot at this, I said to everyone and their dragons. Let's make it count. Now!

Suddenly blasts of fire were shot forth from behind the mountain and smoldered towards the Night Fury's. They knocked them from the sky, and one by one the Night Fury's numbers began to diminish. But it would take a lot more to affect how many there were.

Svara and Shalkar burst forth from behind me, roaring to make their presence known. They then added their much needed fire power to the attack. Elva and I's eyes connected, and her face hardened. She looked up at the Alpha Night Fury, then pointed at me. This was all lining up perfectly! The Fury began flying towards me,

This is our chance Dawn, I told her, and stepped towards the edge of the mountainside. Once the dragon was in firing range, and jumped from the cliff. I plummeted towards the ground, I looked up and watched as the Night Fury dove after me. Dawn shot forth from behind the mountain, and grabbed me. I quickly climbed up into the saddle, and she flew upwards towards the sun to escape the other Fury's sight.

"This is it Dawn," I whispered to her, "they're playing their part, now its time for us to do the same."

She growled, and stopped in midair. She began falling backwards through the air, and we zoomed past the other dragon. He growled in frustration, and I helped Dawn to regain control of her fall. I looked back at him, and saw that he had given chase and was quickly gaining on us.

We had to get behind him, without putting us in danger. With him gaining as fast as he was it would only be a matter of moments before he engaged Dawn in battle with teeth and claw, which she had lost before. Dawn was quite a bit smaller than him, not as strong, and surprisingly not as fast. But she did have an advantage, she had a Rider to watch her back.

"We have to keep him in the air, it's our only chance," I told Dawn, and she cooed in agreement and began flying higher away from the ground. As the other dragon got closer, Dawn fired a couple plasma blasts in his direction, but his speed and agility allowed him to dodge all of them.

Dawn banked and began flying towards the mountains, and he followed close behind. She was trying so hard to stay away from him, she'd have to land soon. She was used to flying at her own pace, not at the speed she was going now.

I have to land, she told me, and did so in one of the valleys.

It seemed that the other Fury reached us almost immediately after we landed. He dug his claws into the Earth, and roared at Dawn. I took in the surrounding area, and patted Dawn's side.

"We know the forest's Dawn," I whispered to her, "he doesn't, we can use that."

Her eyes widened, and she quickly ducked under him as he lunged towards her. She dashed into the tree's, and began quickly weaving through the forest. He followed close behind. As the forest thickened more and more, Dawn seemed to go faster and faster, making it hard for him to keep up.

She stopped in the middle of a clearing, and fired at him once again. He didn't even see it coming as he exited the thicket, and it hit him in the chest. It knocked him back several feet. He roared and stared at Dawn coldly. But she fired again. She made contact once more, then lunged towards him taking advantage of his weakness.
She whipped him in the face with her tail, and he was knocked away. Once he landed, she went at him again, and bit one of his legs as hard as she could. It began gushing blood, and he limped around us. His presence entered our minds.

You will not succeed, he growled, you are lucky you've even gotten this far.

He knew he was defeated. And so did Dawn, she stood over him. I watched as he cowered back, even if just slightly.

"Go home, dragon," I told him, and Dawn roared in his face. It seemed to last an eternity, but eventually ended with him exiting through the canopy, and disappearing from sight. Dawn jumped upwards, and landed in the tallest tree she could. She watched him fly away, and quickly grow to far away for us to see.

"Now let's go save our home," I told her, and she jumped into the sky and began racing back towards the village.

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