bloopers & outtakes

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Before i start this i want to make it clear i want everything like it has it in movies like queues and things.

Blooper scence were slinger is sitting own flight deck.....
Filmers zooms to predaking licking himself like a cat does..
Than that is when Slinger, Ice, T.C and Kayon decided it would be a good time to jump off the flight deck..
(They all can fly btw)
They made it to the autobot base and tramples wheeljack down...and they all know in a thier beast forms looking up at ratchet
"My eyes...i cant seee ahhhhh" kayon rubs his head against to floor...
Director slams a clapperboars shut.."we cant use any of that..back to your places..and starscream why do you have a chicken..."
"Idk..and why have you not adressed it yet when predaking licks his balls..."

Something bad happens
"Sweet Solus Prime.." slinger looks around at that bot..
"I am not sweet."
*few hours later*
"Sweet Solus Prime.." the vectacon heard a very loud screach from behind him..
"I....(huff) am..not swe....."
"Sweet Solu...."
"You better not say that...again i am not sweet and the next time i hear that..this forge is going up your asses get that.."
Ices cant speek English
"Roaw" slinger walked up
"Wat the fuk" ratchet throws a shelf at them
"Raaaaaaaaaaaaa" Jazz walks in front of them.. Ice lookes at him
"Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee" ice twitched..and creepy yells autobot is a scrapy voice.. Slinger hangs upside down like a bat..
"Lalallalalakdbdmcnskfjlebrkr lshslfn" ratchet knocks them out..
*moments later*
"Ice and slinger speak english" ice looked up
"Rawr X3 Nuzzles UwU you so warm" slinger wakes up..
" i could not help to see your ass from across the floor"

"Skywarp....why can't you be normal..." he was warped himself in to a wall..

Ice taunts Megatron
Everytime he would talk she would malk him..
He would turn around and she would be standing there off to the side..chewing on her thumb....
He starts walking again..she follows....he stops in the hallway..while a purple seeker got stuck in a wall..
"Skywarp..why can't you be normal.." he looked up points behind him..
"Screeeeeeeee" he turned around and the terrocan she climbed up the wall...and she jumped down in front of him..
"You give food now...or I will not hesitate to eat the random vectacon."he turned around...and he heard another scream from behind was Ice and skywarp screaming at poor T.C to help them...while he was getting chased by Slinger...Ice looked at him..
"T.C......rahhhhhhhhhhhh" Skywarp warped out of the wall ran into ice..T.C slammed into Ice and Slinger slammed into them all and sliding into Megatron knocking him down on all if the.. Ice and Slinger looked up at them all and screamed...
"I smell Energon" it took them 2 all who was in the hallway to scatter every direction..except the right one...Then the one person who stayed was Breakdown..and he ran into a doorframe that was the meda-bay... knockout looked out..
"What da hell just happened.." no one was thier to answer...except the predacon and terracon who was running down the hall at him..then soundwave smacked them in the back of the head with his tentacle thing he has..they both whimpered and walked away... Starscream will patting ice and Slinger in the head
"Megatron get yo husband.." he looked at him
"He is not my husband..." we all looked at him...starscream
"Yeah...right..I believe that when I see your ex-walk that door with was in fact soundwave on sister like what the hell is wrong you..." ice looked around and whispered..
"Busted" while Slinger looks at everyone..
"That explains alot....then that makes soundwave mama soundwave" Skywarp..came out of no where.....and warped back out..
" is now mama bot.." ice and Slinger walks out the room while dragging Starscream out with them...

(I done with everything)

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